I live in Europe (Germany) and I am not originally from here. But I feel things are going very slow between this girl and me. We both are around 27.

Let’s say, I started talking to her on the 1st of the month.

Eventually, we had our first date on the 10th. It was very normal. Walking and the usual stuff. We spent several hours together.

I tried to schedule another date soon. But she decided to wait another week for the second date and we met on the 17th. It was a day off for me and a work day for her. I preferred to meet her on her day off but she made excuse and opt for the 17th instead. So we met before work. She was like 30 minutes late and we only spent 1-1.5 hours together since she had to leave for work.

She is a very nice person in general. I think we are both looking for a long-term relationship. But she is not very affectionate. There was no kissing or flirting. Only a hug on the second date. That’s all.

She is also a terrible texter. Not blaming her, but she takes like 2-4 hours on average to respond even if it’s evening / after work hours. You can’t have normal conversations at this pace.

Now we are planning a 3rd date. It sounds like it will be on 24th and probably a short meeting (her choice, not my)

I feel like things are going way too slow. On top of that, I can’t tell if she even likes me. Maybe she is talking to other people too (I am not anymore because I started feeling guilty talking to other people). It’s making me nervous. I want to give her time but I don’t want to waste so much time on someone who doesn’t feel the same way about me or is an emotionally unavailable or unaffectionate person.

**What should I do? I feel she is taking things way too slow. Am I over-thinking or it’s true?**

I am thinking of talking to her about this and asking her what’s in her mind. But I’m worried I may come across as too intense or needy.

  1. I don’t think it’s going to work out. When a girl is genuinely into you she can’t wait to spend time together and is excited to see you. Interaction is good she smiles, touches you and wants to kiss.
    This doesn’t seem that way.
    Next time try to escalate and if she doesn’t respond it’s time to move on.
    She could be just seeking attention until the right guy comes along

  2. You only just got to know her. People have a life outside dating people they just met you know. Seeing each other once a week is still pretty often considering you just met, and not spending her day off isn’t necessarily something you should think about. Maybe she wanted to see some friends or have some rest. I saw my exes once a week as well and even skipped some weeks as well because we needed some time alone. And two dates with no kissing etc seems to be pretty normal as well, because not everyone feels comfortable with doing that with people they don’t know really well. Give people time to get to know you and to feel comfortable with you. I know plenty of people who don’t know if they like the other person that soon either and I am one of them myself, so I can say this from experience as well. Don’t rush into things

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