I have literally never met someone who steers a first date toward going home with someone, how do you find the girls in these stories who fuck on the first date. Idk Ive just never even heard a story where someone fucks someone else on the first date or even talked about one night stands.

  1. I had it.

    BUT we were best friends for 4 years, and both had a sort of a moral block in our heads because I was married. I broke up, he supported me, and all of a sudden like a divine insight, he realized I’m a woman, and I realized he’s a man.

    The bond, and respect, and admiration, and connection that we had… sexual attraction was just a last piece of a puzzle, I confessed my feelings and we went straight to the bedroom 😄

    Technically I was still married. He said that he’s actually not the type of a guy to sleep with his friend’s wifes, I laughed and replied “yet you took condoms”, and then I said that I’m actually not the type of a girl to sleep on a first date, he laughed and said “Yet you shaved”

    A perfect touche:)

    We’re married now

  2. Confidence, it’s like a muscle the more you take action with women the more confident you’ll become

  3. Honestly – as a woman who has a lot of first date sex – whether she’ll have sex on the first date or not is usually predetermined before the date based on what she wants. She may be looking for something serious and romantic, in which case she’s less likely to sleep with you on the first date. But odds are, if a man has first date sex, the woman has left the house planning for it. He may mess it up during the date by saying something scary or not good, but short of this, an average date has a good chance of ending in sex if the woman has left the house wanting it to.

    An ex of mine used to joke about it when we had sex – when I was wearing a matching set of underwear/no underwear, he’d know I planned for it. He’d get a real kick out of it if we had sex and I wasn’t wearing a matching set, because it meant I hadn’t planned for it, and he’d just gotten me that turned on.

    So the problem is not about how you are on dates, it’s more likely to be the kind of women you date. You may have more luck with women who are looking for casual sex, fwb, in town temporarily, etc.

  4. I very rarely have first date sex, it depends on what I’m looking for really ideally I like to know someone before I have sex with them.
    But I do have rare occasions- me and one guy matched on tinder and within the first 5 min we had something super similar in common like it was almost odd. But anyways he was my type of attractive , and we went on a date dinner then a bar and he was just so nice to everyone and so we went back to his place I just wanted to drink some more water and relax for a bit I had a very small buzz but not drunk and he was like you can stay over we don’t have to have sex or anything but yeah within 5 min I think we were in the bedroom

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