And why should it bother us?

  1. It’s not really a “conspiracy” because there’s proof it happened now, but it was in the realm of conspiracy for a long time prior.

    But, the Gateway Project.

    The CIA and Army spent years and millions researching methods of putting soldiers into the Astral plane, and developing ways to peer forward and backward through time, using brain frequencies and something called a “hemi-sync”. The very detailed outlines are all available directly from the CIA, just look for “gateway” in the CIA Reading Room online if you’re curious. They talk about things like the experiencing consciousness from “outside” of time. It’s very interesting shit if you’re into it.

    The most insane thing about it, is at one point they have an outline for steps and precautions for soldiers that would take part in the experiment, and one of them reads **”Be intellectually prepared to react to possible encounters with intelligent, non-corporal energy forms when time-space boundaries are exceeded”** and **”Encourage more advanced Gateway participants to build holographic patterns of successful attainment and rapid progress for advanced colleagues to assist them in progressing through the Gateway system. “**

    So, *they* know. Like, our government and military is aware and has been since at LEAST the early 1980s, that we can access an area outside of space and time with our consciousness, and learn to build ‘holograms’ there, and out there in the ether are intelligent beings not of this world, not of any physical existence, hanging out in this ‘astral’ realm of sorts…

    Cool stuff to think about, I think it’s one of the keys to understanding why there’s a very real tangible reason all the crazy ass world tyrants and influencers of history are into this batshit crazy pseudo-religious, ritual occult and esoteric shit.

  2. Justin Trudeau is most definitely the love child of Fidel Castro. It doesn’t make a difference. It’s not like Trudeau is some sort of sleeper agent for Cuba, because he’s not. He is however a pawn of the World Economic Forum, who seem to have a problem with announcing all their plans openly and proudly on camera, so that hardly counts as a conspiracy theory, so much as plain old conspiracy.

  3. My favorite is flat Earth. I don’t believe in it, but it’s my favorite to follow.

  4. I’m not big on conspiracy theories. But one I do think has a ring of plausibility. JFK assassination. Oswald acted alone but……the feds were covering up the fact that the infamous head shot came from the car behind JFK. It was an accidental discharge from one of the secret service who was trying to bring to bear an early version of an AR-15 and accidently touched off a round into the president’s head. There’s actually a photo of this agent holding the AR-15 in the following car. The government had to cover it up. It wouldn’t due to have the leader of the free world, killed by his own security detail. Soviets would’ve had a field day with that. The whole thing would be an abject embarrassment. Could be why certain docs are still sealed on the investigation. Anyway…….just a theory.

  5. 9/11, NIST has had to change their reports to include the fact that the towers collapsed at free fall speed, as in the speed of a falling brick in a vacuum. Which is in fact physically impossible with hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete and steel in the path of the descent. There isn’t a single other example of a skyscraper collapsing at free fall speed, in the path of most resistance, from fires. The only comparable examples are controlled demolition.

  6. There’s a war going on. Good verse evil. America has always been on the evil side but has hid it well. Now they’re not trying to hide it at all since they’ve indoctrinated the children to be soldiers for their cause. And these kids are now of age so they’ve infiltrated corporate society and have spread out from cities into small towns using WFH as the cause. But really they’ve spread to red states in order to truly win elections moving forward which they will.

  7. Alphabet agencies encouraging/enabling mass shooters. It seems more and more clear to me. It should bother us for obvious reasons.

  8. Humans are aliens that colonized the planet. The original inhabitants have resigned themselves to operating as a secret society in an effort to control us.

  9. That the major media conglomerates are owned by a few oligarchs who dictate what is news and what isn’t, and they dictate what is discussed in the public arena and how it is to be discussed. These media conglomerates operate only in the interest of the oligarchs. They are all fundamentally right wing in that they unquestioningly support capitalism as the only viable economic system, and equate it with American democracy and liberty. In fact, it is neither of those things. The oligarchs don’t have to actively get together and conspire simply because they all have the exact same class interests.

  10. I find the Mandela effect discussions fascinating. And like what really happened at dyatlov pass?

  11. The one that messed me up is that the world really did end in 2012 and that’s why we remember things differently. I remember it being the Berenstein Bears when it’s really the Betenstain Bears. Plus the God particle was found that year and Steven Hawking said if we were to find it then the world would end.

  12. JFK was accidentally shot by his own secret service team due to the fact that they were all incredibly hung over and tired the day of. It’s really the simplest explanation. LHO did fire off his shots, but the fatal blows came from the secret service guys.

  13. I go for an oldie but a goodie. That the knights templar actually located the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail and it is hidden in the vaults of the Vatican. Or somewhere else.

  14. I think the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans, and at the end of the day neither party gives a shit about anyone as long as they get votes.

  15. Moving poles. From 1900 to 1990 the north pole moved more in that time than in the previous 500 years. From 1990 to now, it has moved more than the last 590 years.

  16. 911 was orchestrated by US government to progress in their own agenda. Boston bombing as well.

  17. The full digitalization of payment systems has a high risk to end individual economic freedom. Someone owns the systems and controls the access to them. And if they decide to exclude certain people from that service, there is no legal way for the excluded people to receive the reward for their work and exchange that for other peoples goods and services.

    Let’s take the farmers protests in Europe. New legislations are threatening up to 30% of farmers livelihood in some of the countries. If all legal ways to pay would be digital with not offline alternative, the government *COULD* decide to freeze all their money until they stop protesting – irrespective of whether the concerns raised in the protests are legitimate or not.

    But it does not have to be the government to take these steps. Even one of the private service providers, e.g. for your internet, your bank account, phone service or electricity could cut you of from the technology necessary to have access to the payment system. If people are not concerned about a government turning corrupt and isolate them from society, maybe the concern of having big corporations having that power will finally wake them up.

    Btw: There are papers released by the International Money Fund and various centralbanks that outline the implementation of digital-only currencies. I think one of the papers (co-)authored by ECB’s Christine Lagarde even went as far as mentioning the restriction of financial freedom based on carbon usage. That may sound “great” to some in the beginning, but for e.g. the poor who don’t really have much choice for example in regards to which foods or clothes to buy, they could be excluded from most financial services just because they cannot afford more expensive, “green” products.

  18. Every “massacre” or “attack” that has ever happened in the USA before a major war.

  19. The demographic cliff and a black swan event that needed to paper over all the unfunded liabilities. Nothing has more effect on economies then demographics. I also like Judy woods dustification explanation of 9 one1, Very interesting stuff.

  20. That there is intelligent life on Earth, and someday it might rise up and wipe us out.

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