Yesterday was the second time I went out with this girl, and I am very interested in her! I’m not the most outgoing but I feel like I could easily carry on any convo. But with her, I’m constantly brainstorming topics and asking questions but our conversations always die soon. It feels like we can’t communicate and silence is so awkward. To the point where sometimes I end up saying something stupid bc I don’t know what to say 😔. Feel like I really screwed up yesterday. I’ve heard through her friends that she is interested in me and she does make an effort at times, but talking with her is so hard. What do I do?!?!

  1. I don’t really have advice but offering sympathy bc I have the same issue. I swear when I *don’t* like a guy I am the most charming and witty version of myself and can carry on conversations with no issue… but if I’m actually interested or have feelings, I become an awkward mute struggling to make basic conversation and overthinking everything I say.

  2. Find topics that require further clarification( make-up scenarios to imagine stuff) But it will all depend on both of your communication skills.

    Another thing that could help is to do things together (crafts, reading, whatever you’re into) so the silence it’s because both of you are focused on something. That way the interaction doesn’t revolve around talking.

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