I have these two friends that I care for but always forget my birthday. Always.

And maybe to some it’s no big deal but I do like to feel appreciated during my birthday. I think it hurts with one of the two friends a bit more sometimes he does things that make me feel small. I got these two friends presents fro Christmas (they didn’t get me shit) and he just made jokes about how much of a crappy gift it was. He later then thanked me for the gift properly, but he just has this “mean humor” that isn’t funny all the time.

Look, a lot of people forget my birthday, (literally only my mom and a friend remembered this year) and sometimes I just want my friends to at least message me. I just feel like I keep a lot of shit people do inside but I’m particularly annoyed by this one and I did remind them but also they’re always on Facebook and shit, WHICH REMINDS THEN ITS MY BIRTHDAY so…yeah

  1. Maybe you should mention that your birthday is coming up a few days to a week before your birthday. A lot of people will plan bday drinks or celebrations with friends to mark their birthday and invite people to it. It helps people know your birthday is coming and allows them to celebrate it.

  2. I understand you want to be wished happy birthday. But here’s the cold harsh truth. Nobody is going to wish you happy birthday on their own if you do not have strong connections with them. In general, nobody is going to reach out to you on their own if they are not that interested in you or they don’t have that clear, convincing, unique reason to do so. Either that reason is there or it isn’t. That reason comes from your past interactions with them and the impressions you made on them in person. Mainly people take into account your vibes in past social situations when deciding to contact you or respond to your contact. People gravitate towards those who are self confident and bring positive vibes. But the treatment you’ve been receiving from your friends is suggests a vast majority of them are CONSISTENTLY NOT prioritizing or interested in interacting with you.

    When was the last time you saw any of your friends in person ? How do you connect with people in person ?

    Another thing, do you in general beg for people to give you attention and approval ? Are you doing things for the sake of attention and approval ? Do you get anxious, upset, and sad when you don’t get attention and approval from others ? Let me tell you something. People are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation. They know when you are depending on them for attention and approval. The more you beg and chase people, the less likely people will respect you and want to associate with you.

    You need to learn how to be genuinely busy in your life focusing in your own goals and hobbies while interacting with others on the side in real life. Find something you enjoy doing and keep doing that overtime. You will build much needed self esteem and self confidence. Chase excellence, not people.

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