How do you tell your girl you would like her to work out ?

  1. Ask he to join you at the gym, make it an enjoyable experience then she will want to go back

  2. You don’t, just start working out and improving your own physique. She will get scared of the fact that you will have more options as you get in better shape and she will eventually get in shape to keep up with you. If she doesn’t do this than she doesn’t care enough about the relationship and you should leave anyway.

    Don’t ask her to work out with you, don’t suggest that she gets in better shape, none of that. Let your actions set the tone not your words

  3. I’d just say hey I think we need to start making some heathier decisions, and ask her to start working out and planning meals with me.

    I don’t get the mentality of it not being okay to bring up working out to a significant other. Do people who think that way think it would be better to just say nothing as someone you love just keeps gaining weight risking their health and probably impacting your sex life and attraction to one another? I keep in shape not just for me, but also so I can be there and be active with my kids, and yes at least in part for my wife. We both stay in shape in part out of respect for each other.

  4. Start making vegetarian food and replace her clothes with identical but smaller versions

  5. Find something active that you guys can do together. Lifting weights might not be her thing, try something else.

  6. Buy a 10kg kettlebell, put a very cute ribbon on top of it, and gift it to her on her birthday. You’re going to break up, but she’s going to use that anger to start fueling a fitness rampage, and she’s going to become a valkyrie. You won’t be together anymore, but at least she will have started working out. So… mission accomplished.

  7. If you’re exercising regularly like you should, it should be no issue for you to ask her to come along with. More time to spend together anyway.

  8. If she’s a significantly different weight than when you started the relationship, it’s fine to voice your concerns. You cant help but lose attraction if their body type is completely different

  9. What’s your reasoning behind wanting her to work out, is it so you can have someone to do it with or because you would like to change her image?

  10. Then talk about hiking, cycling, swimming, find something she likes and you start that with her

  11. i think it’s safest to bring up a concern for health. you could even make it a team effort. if you make it about appearance then you’ll have a problem.

  12. It’s not going to stop her eating poorly. The hardest part of fitness happens outside of the gym.

  13. You start. When she sees progress she will either be competitive and wanna loose more than you. Or be like oh shit he getting fit and I look like ass. And will do something about it. If not you’re gonna be buff so just find someone else

  14. Can you help with my gym motivation? It would help me so much if we worked out together, could be fun too!


  15. First of all, take a look in the mirror. If a fat tub of shit is starring back then don’t be talking reckless.
    You can’t demand any standard that you do not meet or aren’t willing to meet yourself. Next question.

  16. Hey, put the fork down. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Don’t mince words.

    Do you workout?

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