Like, can you tell when a man is looking at you because he found you attractive?

  1. I’m pretty oblivious to the world around me to be honest. I got catcalled by some gay men once and noticed that but not that they were talking to me or that they were gay. I was looking around for the hot chick and came to the realization I was the only one on that street other than them.

  2. Oblivious, because it’s not something I watch for. I’m just not tuned into it the same way I’m tuned in to noticing looks from women.

    I’ve had gay guys tell me they found me attractive, but I wouldn’t have picked up on it if they didn’t deliberately call my attention to it.

  3. I’m a bi guy and I didn’t even notice another man blatantly flirting with me until my friend pointed it out. I’m pretty oblivious

  4. I’m oblivious to everything, I probably would struggle to notice a woman doing the same thing.

  5. I’m oblivious to it but it wouldn’t matter anyway, because no gay man wants to touch me even with a stick, I’m ugly as fuck 🤷

  6. Never noticed. Perhaps I’m not that attractive. Then again, it’s the same with women. Maybe just oblivious. I my life I have had 3 good male friends who turned out to be gay, and at some point told me. I already knew, and it wasn’t a big deal, at least for me.

  7. Completely oblivious, but I’m oblivious to most things around me. My awareness of my surroundings is non existent.

  8. It took me three years to find out that my openly gay friend was gay. It was not that he was hiding it I was just not paying attention. I only found out when he was holding hands with another guy and I made a joke about him being gay before he confirmed it so…

  9. Completely oblivious to any kind of flirting and people thinking I’m attractive from both genders. I have no idea how or why I got the attention of my wife back when we was dating and how we moved into together. I’m useless in flirting or engaging with others on dates

  10. Totally oblivious. If course, in oblivious to a woman looking at me too. Not that either actually do…

  11. When barber shops were shut down during the pandemic, I decided just to grow my hair out. I went for a few maintenance cuts Just to get it in shape. Over the past year and a half, I’ve been getting a lot of compliments from women AND men. A lot of those guys are, in my opinion, straight. However, there have been a few gay men that have outright told me that my hair is sexy. Needless to say, the attention I’ve gotten from anyone is rather flattering. I never thought I could get this kind of attention at my age. Have I caught people looking at me? Yes I have. If I make eye contact with them they smile. No I don’t hook up with them.

  12. The only times I’ve noticed attention from gay men was when it was overt. The Last time it happened, the guy was a cashier at my usual gas station. He straight up told me that I was sexy and asked if I wanted to hang out. I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

  13. I don’t recognize it. But I don’t even recognize it when a woman takes a look on me!

  14. Yes expecially when I am at the gym with my 20 years old son.I do my best to respect everyone and make sure that I don’t give eyes contact.I wander if they are attracted by father -son relationship,my body or my performance…

  15. I can’t say it has happened other than a few times when I was younger and in much better shape, but the men were very openly hitting on me. In retrospect, I wish I handled it better at the time.

    Anyway, I don’t watch for it, but I imagine I attract gay men at the same rate as women, which is barely at all. Based on looks alone.

  16. No idea why men like men with hairy chest, belly, beard and long hair, but every time I’m at a gay bar some one shows interest, or even if I’m out walking its obvious when some one stares. Since I kind of swing both ways I do notice, its not like most gay people who wanna get laid are very stealthy with their wants and needs anyway. I’ve had people come up to me several times asking if I wanted a bj or to fuck them in the bathroom, I’m not a particularly good looking guy or anything either, I guess its just more of a fetish?

  17. Pretty sure gay dudes would not be in to me at all lol. Not big n hairy enough to be a bear, not twink-ish enough to be a twink. Not in good shape either.

  18. Hell yea I notice. I will take any compliment I can get.

    And my ego only allows me to assume I am getting the look because I am being found attractive. LOL

  19. I’m oblivious to getting compliments said right to my face 🤷‍♂️

  20. Not unless they’re making it really obvious. With men it doesn’t really occur to me day to day that they could be checking me out.

  21. Wore a pair of those running shorts (short short) because it was hot as fuck, to the store. Girlfriend had to tell me some guy almost tripped over himself staring. I didn’t notice but was flattered. (Nice legs)

  22. Yes. Gay men have been a boon to my ego, because they’re more forthright about how attractive they find me than women.

  23. I don’t know about looks but there have been a few times gay men have started to strike up conversations with me and whenever I see them sorta getting too friendly and trying to gauge whether or not I might be receptive, I always mention my wife or my son very conspicuously in the conversation so they don’t even go there.

  24. I dont really notice *the look* from them unless they make eye contact and hold it which doesn’t really happen because im not looking at them that long to begin with

  25. I’m pretty oblivious, but my wife isn’t. She tells me about it fairly regularly and each and every time I’m just like, nah babe, he’s our waiter/bartender, he’s supposed to be nice to me.

  26. I don’t care whether or not men find me attractive, so it doesn’t register.

  27. I notice it and when they call me cute, and they offer to “teach me stuff” and when they offer to “help you in the bathroom at the bar” and when they stare at me like a slab of meat throughout the night

  28. Everyone on the street could be staring at me holding signs with my name on it, and I probably wouldn’t notice

  29. If you were oblivious to it you couldn’t know whether or not they’ve been checking you out. So I wouldn’t know.

  30. Depends on how blatant they are. It’s definitely easier to tell when girls are doing it. Although it could just be the fact that I’m actively observing the women and so I notice it more while I’m actively ignoring men.

  31. Often my son call me Dadd so it’s pretty obvious who I am but this doesn’t stop them.

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