I mean if I like their complexion and their vibe ( personality) let’s say but not their face too much? Or should I wait to approach someone I feel 100% attracted to instead of 70%?

  1. Uhhh, you should prolly get to know them. You might like their vibe so much, they become very attractove to you, or ya just become great friends.

  2. If someone admitted to not liking my face that much, I wouldn’t want them to approach me.

  3. I wasn’t physically attracted to my boyfriend of 2 years when I first met him, but now I think he’s hot af and he hasn’t really changed too much physically. All I know is when I met him, he was such a gentleman and made me feel so loved that I was attracted to him as a person, which inevitably made me attracted to him physically (it’s weird, I know, but it’s true)

  4. 70% attraction sounds ok – you’re more attracted than not. It’s worthwhile trying to learn more about them because if they have similar interests or outlook on life as you do, it may be that the attraction level raises. And if it doesn’t, you still got to learn about another person and possibly made a friend

  5. Yeah, even if you don’t plan to date them it’s a good practise to connect with everyone… you don’t know what they have to offer, maybe they have a very cool insite on travelling or sales or just life in general. It’s all the exhange of value

  6. Bro, just be friends with people that you like. Not every interaction you have is a game

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