I love snacking and looking for some new snacks to snack on.

  1. Nachos and those little Dove chocolates.

    And a McFlurry on the first day because it’s just fresh hell and I need something to get me through it.

  2. I always crave sweets during that time of the month, but usually a milkshake will do the trick!

  3. I crave nothing but fruit. I’ll eat my trays upon trays of every fruit near me.

  4. Uhh im from Germany so I’m not sure if anyone knows this but “Kinder Pinguin” und “Bueno white” are a must have when my uterus decides to kill me again.

  5. Sweet chili Takis, though I’ll settle for the chili lime fuego or the nacho ones. Fuck I love Takis.

  6. Mangoes but if I’m out of those chocolates and cheesy fries will do in a pinch

  7. Ibuprofen , Tylenol and bananas. I’m not a fan of bananas but they help with stomaches so I usually eat them during my period ( and if I have a headache, stomache or tired. )

    I’m having awful cramps today and I read to drink a lot of water while having your period so I’ve also been trying to drink a lot.

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