How do you teach your son how to master dating?

  1. You don’t. You raise a confident and social son who is capable of asking you for help when he needs it. Encourage him to express his feelings to girls. He’ll take care of the rest.

  2. Teach them to respect their chosen gender. Teach them that there is more than just the physical to make a relationship work. Teach them to be comfortable with who they are.

    Beyond that, it’s kind of trial and error that they have to figure out on their own.

  3. All I needed to learn about life, including dating, I learned by watching the three classics: Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, the Art of War by Sun Tzu, and the film “Road House” by Patrick Swayze. Be nice, until it’s time not to be nice. 💪🇱🇷

  4. I don’t think it’s possible to teach your kid how to date. It’s something that can really only be learnt from trying and failing. The best you can do is teach your kid how to be sociable and and emotionally intelligent. Just not being creepy or an asshole already puts you really far ahead.

  5. if nothing else teach them consent, if they can master that the world is already a better place

  6. I told him to stay safe in my ballsack because dating (and being alive in general) right now is a warzone.

  7. Si basically 3 things:

    you encourage his whole life to be a decent human being with social skills and good self stem.

    You encourage him to try and fail accordingly in dating.

    You keep an eye and warn him for manipulative women, those are not worth the mistake/lesson.

  8. Teach him to be confident and comfortable with his own feelings

    Teach him that his needs matter

    And set him up with a cushy job making 6 figures

  9. Buy 3 books and read them together.

    1. Models by Mark Manson
    2. Way of the superior man by david deida
    3. The rational male by Rolo Tomassi

    The third one is a book I wouldn’t give him until his 18th birthday, It’s very powerful but can make a young man extremely jaded if he has zero experience with women, the first one is about dating, talking to women and attracting women you want, the second book is about becoming a man, the polarity and dynamic between men and women and it’s honestly the best book you could give a young man! it’s a great book for all ages and imo every man should use it as a guide to life and relationships

  10. That is going to be a tough one because the dating world has changed so much over the past 10-15 years.

    The rules are also different depending what stage of life he is at. In High School I’d say just be yourself. When you get older and online dating comes into play I’d suggest finding him someone who is good at meeting and moving things along with women in that setting to give him advice.

  11. Did you mean masturbating , but mis-typed it to prevent deletion by the Mods ???

  12. That’s a skill. You can point them in the right direction, but as far as learning the ropes, you just have take your licks.

  13. Let him go on dates as long as it doesn’t sound sketchy and let him learn from his mistakes and advise him when he asks.

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