Having women over the age of 25 be my close friends is a coincidence but I feel like the below reasons may hold

I feel closest to my female friends who are older. I think prefer close female friends as opposed to close guy friends because guys tend to brag about how much they get paid and how many chicks they get and I am not a macho guy. Women I feel like are more caring and less judgemental when I tell them problems that I have in my life.

I do not seek out women over the age of 25 to be friends with but I realize that it kind of just happens. I think this is because women who are older are just more mature and have more knowledge about life so I like being around them.

What do you all think about this? To recap, it is a coincidence that women (25-35) are my close friends. I did not plan it but I think it is for the above reasons.

Do you think women (25-35) are the best friends to have in terms of understanding and being nonjudgemental?

1 comment
  1. I (27M) can’t comment on the age aspect but your point on having more female friends does resonate with me. I have a few guy friends that I’m close with from highschool and besides that all my other friends are females. I spend more time talking to them and hanging out with them, our conversations are more fulfilling and I find when we hang out I just feel better with them. Maybe I need better male friends but making friends is hard. I’m a sensitive person, and like you, not very macho. I frankly don’t care about gym and cars, I care about my mental health and art and expressing myself emotionally. Most guys (including my best highschool buddies) just can’t connect with me on that aspect, while I find most girls can.

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