I usually say “I’m alright” or “Same shit different day”. When someone asks how you are or how your day going, how do you reply to keep from saying the same thing every time?

  1. Assuming this is a friend you know really well and are close with, you can say “Better than you” in response to them asking how you are. That will intrigue them. But again, don’t say this to everybody. Only to those who know you and are close to you.

  2. “Tired as hell. Didn’t get much sleep last night”

    “On my way to conquer the day!”

    “Feeling above and over the moon today.”

    “I am overflowing with excitement cause of nasa’s James Webb telescope images.”

    “I am doing handy dandy and fit as a fiddle!”

    “Not bad myself.”

    “Excellent as always.”

    “Gloomy like todays weather, hope the sun comes out today cause I need my daily vitamin D supply ha”

    And many more, being creative and experimentive is a way to go about it;)

  3. In my workplace I make it a game to come up with an increasingly absurd and almost nonsensical answer every time someone (that I know) asks me. It became good fun.
    My go to is usually “I am. Therefore I think.”

    Others include
    “I have ghosts in my blood”
    “I want someone to rip out my spine and wring it out like a wet towel”
    “I have a craving only batteries can satisfy”

    Etc etc.

  4. sometimes people will ask me “how is youssarian?” instead of “how are you?”

    i like to be cheeky and say “not sure, i haven’t asked him”

    it doesnt usually go over very well :c

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