I keep hearing people say that you shouldn’t let others determine your worth as a person, which is very confusing to me since the very concept of value is manmade and the value of pretty much everything is determined by people. For example, for money to have any value we as a society had to agree upon it. I can’t just take a 10$ bill and say it’s worth 100$, the same way I can’t say that I am equally valuable as someone more who is more successful than me in every area of life when society will most certainly value the more successful person than they will value me.

  1. So then why don’t you strive to become more successful ? Convince yourself you can become succesful and do the work. In general, people value those who are self confident, bring positive vibes, and are actively chasing excellence in all areas of their life. So focus on self improvement. Level up in all areas of your life. Chase excellence.

  2. Nothing. I do not have to justify my worth to anyone else or myself. If I ever think i do have to all I have to do is remember that the mere existence of my ability to experience anything is a miracle to endlessly behold, and then take my focus to that place of awe

  3. My understanding of worth is what you contribute to society. I don’t necessarily agree with it because some people can contribute more than others. Some are not able to contribute anything and sometimes contributing more isn’t wise. A lot of issues with the whole idea but I think that idea still dominates for the most part.

  4. There’s a difference between the value you being to a scenario and your Inherent worth as a human being. The first is situational and something we have to work to increase to the best of our ability. The second is something that doesn’t change and is essentially priceless.

    Think of yourself as a bar of gold. The value of gold goes up and down with the economy, but it’s always the same substance.

    In other words, try to maximize your social currency, but treat yourself with utmost respect even when you fail. And treat others the same way. Expect the best from them, but respond with grace when they fail. We are all only human.

  5. Think about a random tech guru or Olympic champion. Ok, they succeeded above most mortals. How much do they matter to you in your day-to-day life? I will bet, not at all. And I will also bet that while you admire their achievement, you do not, in fact, value them above all other people in the world who did not achieve the same.

    There are certainly plenty of examples of things having value outside what humans assign, but that’s getting into philosophical deep forests. More importantly, it doesn’t matter what ‘society’ values. You’re never face to face with ‘society.’ Only distinct people. Unless you live in a cult, nobody around you even pretends to believe only and exactly what ‘society’ tells them.

    With that in mind, different people place much different value on various aspects of the human condition. Somebody will value you the most of all the people in their lives for genuinely laughing at their weird jokes and other ways you show you’re on the same wavelength as them. A second, for always being there for them when they need help. A third, sure, for being successful (but is that for being a shining example, for the money and easy life you provide, for the bragging rights of being your friend…?) A fourth, purely for the sex. Etc., etc.

    Most likely, nobody will value you for just one thing to the point of ignoring all your other qualities. So don’t get hung up on any one thing, whether success or something else.

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