How do you guys feel about your girlfriend doing the driving when you go out in theses 2 situations:
1. You both have cars and you take turns driving each other
2. Only she has a car so she drives all the time

In any case, would you ask her to let you drive instead even if it’s her car ?

  1. I burn through so much cash when I’m happy and with a woman that her driving my truck feels like she’s getting me back.

  2. I wish my GF would drive more. She’ll often tell me we’re going somewhere and throw her keys at me. I like driving but sometimes I just want to sit on my phone in the car or look out the window like I’m a main character in some shitty teen romance movie

  3. Not a guy, but can I timidly express an opinion? Almost all the years we were together my partner drove: cars, pickup, motor home. There was never any question. It was his domain.

    But as he got older and began to have cognitive difficulties, he was gracious enough to pass the driving to me. In my opinion it shows how strong and protective a man he was.

  4. I hate driving. I’m perfectly fine with my SO doing it. I like to space out during long drives and stare at the scenery, it’s a kind of meditation.

  5. I prefer we take separate cars. It helps with the “ambient road noise.”

  6. When I was drinking I liked her to drive. Otherwise we used to split the driving evenly, she drives well.

    Till I got a Tesla M3P no I jump in the driver seat every time.

  7. I don’t care. Whoever gets in the car first really. I’ll offer to drive if she’s pretty tired looking.

  8. 1. No, I like driving too much.
    2. Why don’t I have a car?
    3. Yes if she has a faster or better handling car than mine (I have a boring economical family car for practical stuff and a super bike for fun)

  9. I like to drive and I hate being driven. My gfs car is much nicer than mine and I almost always drive it when we go out. She prefers it that way too.

  10. I don’t mind driving but I hate driving with other people in the car so I would rather she drive

  11. Drive. I get bored easily and I am from the before cell phone times. Looking at a phone while in a car makes me nauseous.

  12. As a female it’s annoying when a guy refuses to ever let me drive him. Makes me question if he has masculinity problems

  13. I prefer to drive but only because I am 1000x’s better with directions than my wife. She will readily admit that too. She is the smartest person I have ever met. She is an ivy league educated engineer… But she sometimes has problems remembering which is her left and which is her right. So it’s just a lot easier if I drive most of the time. Everything else that woman does is far superior to me.

  14. I prefer to drive but that’s only because I’m in love with my car and I just like driving it anyways

  15. I always drive. I was in an accident as a passenger, a bad one, and now I don’t let anyone else drive unless it’s an Uber or something where I have no choice.

  16. 1. I don’t let many people drive my car, it’s mine and so if someone is driving me some where it’s gotta be with their car 90% of the time. I just don’t trust people with one of my most valuable possession.

    2. Kinda hypocritical of me to say this but I wouldn’t mind driving other people’s cars. But this scenario just isn’t possible, I’ll always own a car. Where I live it wouldn’t be possible to live without one.

  17. I don’t care beyond the fact my SO drives very aggressively and also complains about my driving when I do.

  18. I always drive, with the exception of long road trips, even then I still do most of the driving. For me, it’s a way to serve and be chivalrous. Plus she scares me and always drives waaaay to close to the line…

  19. I told my girl three things when we started dating: I like to eat, I like to hump, and I don’t like to drive.

    Lucky for her she likes to drive and lives next to a good Mexican restaurant.

  20. I’ve drove 99.9% of our entire relationship. Her car or mine.

    Back when we started dating, I think somewhere around the 3-4 month mark, we where going to dinner and taking her car and she asked me to drive and that was the last time she drove when we were together for a long time haha

    That was 16-17 years ago and I’d be surprised if I’ve been in the passenger seat more than 20 times since then.

  21. My wife drives, I have nerve damage and can’t feel my feet sometimes. Plus when I drive I make her nervous.

  22. If it’s her car and she ask me to drive I will. I wouldn’t ask her to let me drive it…. unless she has a really nice ride in which case I would love to drive it atleast once, but that is more about the car not ego.

  23. The only time I’ll let my girl drive me around is when I’m drunk. Otherwise she is being driven around.

    Why? Because I have a penis. That’s the only reason.

  24. I always drive because I have the nicer car and she gets to not drive. She commutes 50 miles round trip and I work from home. Least I can do is be her chauffeur.

  25. I drive a lot but I like driving in general. Sometimes I ask her to drive. Like today I drove for work all day so I asked her to drive when we went out.

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