What is something you have decided to stop buying for whatever reason?

  1. I stopped buying plush toys because they take up so much room I need. I also have stopped buying crystals as they don’t provide any benefits they just look pretty and cost too much and are bad for workers.

  2. Tablets.

    For years, I tried to convince myself that tablets were useful. I’ve now given up on that; anything I can’t do on my phone can be done best on my laptop.

  3. More makeup. I have some for special occasions but I rarely ever wear it cause if I wear it a lot, I’ll feel ugly without it. So I keep it’s use sparse

  4. Bras. I’ve been braless for two years and I don’t regret it. No longer have breast pain, and it just feels nice overall. I do own 3 bras that I use when I’m wearing certain tops when I don’t want my nip naps on display. But other than that I haven’t spent anything on new bras in the last two years.

  5. Skin care serums/things. It’s harmed me more than helped me

    Cerave face wash, atrix lotion, spf lotion and i against the world.

  6. Things that come in plastic bottles or one time use products. I now use shampoo bars, conditioner bars, bar body soap, toothpaste bits, and bamboo toothbrushes. I now buy most of my home cleaning products from Blueland because everything comes in a stutdy tin and you simply buy refills of the tabs for different cleaning products. I have an entire box of compostable packaging that makes me happy because I have limited so much plastic from my household. I also stopped buying paper towels and switched to fabric towels for different purposes.

  7. Bath & Body Works wallflowers. I was obsessed with them until I read about them potentially causing respiratory and fertility issues and also being harmful to unborn children.

  8. Makeup. I never use it anyway. Clothes. Hate doing it and have enough for one or two years. Books. Too many still unread.

  9. Disposable razors! I got a safety razor and each blade lasts me a few weeks easily. The razor was around $40 and blades are maybe $10 for 50 – this is so much cheaper in the long run and way better for the environment.

  10. Dryer sheets. I have been liking using the “Unstoppables” little scented beads that go in the washer and dissolve with the soap instead.

  11. Snacks and chocolate. My house used to be filled with snacks and chocolates for my ex’s kids and I found myself eating them because they were there. I don’t snack anymore. Unless I’m on my period then I buy myself one treat knowing my speeded metabolism will burn it off

  12. Shaving cream. What’s the point? A small amount of conditioner works just as well/better and takes up less space and is one less thing to buy.

  13. Thongs. Im at that age where sexy panties are an absolute fuck no. I don’t want anything rubbing against my butthole 24/7. If Im wearing a dress, I’ll just go pantie-less. If you can see my pantie line through my jeans or leggings, oh well fuck you

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