What should you do before procreating?

  1. Make sure you’re as physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially stable as possible. Obviously, no one is ever perfect, but you should do your best to make sure you’re in good shape and able to care for someone else.

    Also, talk to your partner about *everything.* Money, will and testament, future guardians, multiple births, IVF, surrogacy, adoption, work, school, religion, politics, literally everything that might be a problem later.

  2. Make sure you are doing it with someone you can see yourself spending the rest of your life with or it’s a long rough road ahead, trust

  3. Have a really nice vacation, adults only, doing whatever the hell you like whenever the hell you like. Soak it in. I still revel in the memory of spending one week doing absolutely nothing except for lying in the sun and floating in ocean waves. That probably won’t come back for another ten years minimum lol.

  4. Be mentally and financially stable. Do not bring an innocent child into a shit show.

  5. Be 10000% sure the person you plan to do it with is the right person for you and that they also really want to be a parent. It is so much harder than I thought it would be and I think others would agree. I cannot imagine doing the parenting thing with someone that wasn’t as invested as I am. Really spend solid time getting to know this person and I highly recommend living with them to truly see their habits. I was with my husband for 5 years before our child was born, living together for 4 of those years. You learn a lot

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