stick a qtip in the straw to see just how nasty it can get..

  1. Ehm…i wash them with clear water after 2 or 3 days. I have no idea if this is gross or normal.

  2. I have multiple of the same kind and they’re dishwasher safe, so I swap them out and clean them about every 3 days.

  3. I use a clear bottle with no straw. I wash whenever it’s visibly dirty, maybe once a week?

  4. Mine is the britta filter straw bottle and I keep it at work, so I wash it on the weekends when I take it home.

  5. I wash them most days, along with the supper dishes, but I can’t get my hands down in there to give them a good scrub, so they still get gross sometimes.

    Every few months I fill them up with a very, very dilute bleach solution and then rinse them several times just to deal with the scuzziness in the parts I can’t reach.

  6. When I feel they dirty…dont know somewhere between 1day-weeks. They just filled with water

  7. Whenever I get home, I empty it clean the mouthpiece and let everything dry out.

  8. Every day. And I don’t use one with a straw because those things are gross.

  9. Daily. My brother almost died last year from never washing his water bottle and inhaling all of that bacteria in his lungs.

  10. When they get a smell, honestly. I drop one of my husband’s denture cleaner tablets in, fill it with hot water, leave it overnight, and then wash it with a bottle brush and dish soap in the morning.

  11. Not enough. I don’t use one with a straw, though, as those are a pain to clean.

    I probably clean the mouth part/lid every week or so and try to shake some soap around the rest every time it occurs to me.

  12. I use a water bottle for a day or two and then wash it before I use it again.

  13. I have a few different ones I use, so there’s always a clean one available. I might use one for an extra day or two before throwing it in the dishwasher tho

  14. Mine is metal, no straw. Every few days I fill it with boiling water to kill whatever might be lurking.

  15. Everyday. I don’t want that ickyness from my backwash to build up in there.

  16. Daily, with hot soapy water. I saw an Insta video about the grunge, germs and gunk which can live in a reusable unwashed water bottle. 🤢

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