Salam, I’m 24 female.
My moms best friend wanted me to marry her son and her son is 30. They live in different country at first we both kinda declined ( for him it was financial problems )but after a year we started talking we our moms know this. We talked for about five months and last time we had phone call for over one hour and because I was catching feelings wanted to know what his answer was, asked him about our situation. I texted him and he left me on read for 12 days.
He is very busy person and works hard and he lives alone in different city to his family and he text back for 1-4 days.
So I thought he was busy and texted a concern message ( he was sick few days before). He still left me on read , I waited for over a week and send the last message that I was happy to getting know you and I thought he was as well … and it’s not okay to ghost people etc and goodbye and u didn’t blocked him because I was still waiting for him to say something and very confused because his message were sweet and kind and showed a hint of liking me .. so now I’m really heartbroken and sad and confused. And because of my dads being hateful towards women’s I didn’t liked children and husband but with him I was ready to be mom and a wife … we ere like a soulmate our hobbies etc are all the same. And because I live in different country I have no chance to get proposals for marriage and we have to get to know each other on halal way.
What should I do? Was I wrong ? Should I text him again? I can’t focus in anything I’m so sad and sometimes angry to being left..

  1. If he didn’t respond to you for 2 weeks, that’s rude and hurtful. If he’s OK with ignoring you now, then think of what a marriage will be like… lonely.

  2. sister, five months is not long enough to say that he is your soulmate. clearly he doesnt respect you or think about you if he leaves you on read for weeks. maybe he had feelings for but found someone else or just doesnt think that highly of you anymore. youre too good for him to still wait for him to respond. theres better men out there, please move on and find someone worthy!!

  3. He is disrespectful and doesn’t even want to get married. You are better off without him. I would advise not getting attached in the future until you really get to know a person (not just texting, but face-to-face interaction) where you can observe his actions, not just his words. Remember: If the words do not align with actions, then that person is not honest.

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