I used to learn to play tennis in highschool wasn’t very good. Had low basics.
Few months ago i had the chance to go to a Roland Garros game and it lighten up my urge to play a tennis game and make a come back to the sport..
So now I’m turning around to find a companion to play with..
I first talked with a friend that said a few months ago that did he went to play tennis but he said now that he has some back problems so he doesn’t want to play with me or anymore… He play ping-pong now.

I went to Facebook talk with a girl suddenly she stopped replying I guess she found another companion and maybe more cool than me I don’t know…
Talk with another girl who is appeared to be at the same level as me and funny enough maybe a bit shy like me.. I told her because I’m low on budget that we need to find a place at play which is free and for a few weeks I’ve found a place which is 15 minutes away from me but I drive a bike and she’s scared. I don’t know about buses to there but me and she didn’t really talk with one another since…
I have a list of people that I talk to but I don’t know if they like the sport or has some words the same to learn and play it. Also they’re not that close to me so I don’t know how to initiate it to make it happen.

All the time when I think of what to send to them it’s end up being like hey do you play tennis like out of the blue (which is a hit or miss situation). I don’t know what do you think of when you’re trying to ask someone that you don’t really talk to daily how do you do it?
This is where my social skills come to play.. maybe you can help me

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