So I came back home on Sunday early in the morning. My sister was the only one and we had cereal in the kitchen before I went to sleep. We were both quiet and suddenly she said “you are not a virgin anymore, are you?”, completely out of nowhere.

I was like “what does that have to do with anything??? and why do you even care?”. She replied “I care because I’m your sister!”, and I replied “OK but what does that have to do with my sex life???” and she was like “AH-HA! so you DID lose your virginity, didn’t you?” and I laughed because the conversation turned so ridiculous so fast. Then she basically threatened me with telling mom about it.

THAT’S when I laughed my ass off because mom gave me condoms the night before and when I told my sister about it she just stayed quiet, so I guess she was trying to like blackmail me and it backfired. So I asked why she even cared about this and she said it was because “guys will hurt me and I shouldn’t trust them”. I was like “Ohhhkay? can you explain?”, to which she refused and said I would only mock her further.

Sooooo that was really confusing and I’m not wth she’s been reading/watching that made her react like this but it’s weird. Should I talk to her? If so, what should I even tell her?

**tl;dr:** Sister had a really weird outburst were she tried to shame(?) me for losing my virginity, then threatened to tell mom, then told me to not trust guys, then refused to elaborate. Should I talk to her about it? What should I even tell her?

  1. What is there to say? Your virginity or the lack of it is none of her business. I have two siblings and I’ve never once talked to them about my sex life, or theirs. Why would I want to know anything about that?!

  2. She is projecting her own shame and fears related to sex onto you.

    Which isn’t the worst thing in the world to have a 14 year old who thinks sex is bad.

  3. Well yeah, if you guys can sit down and talk, I’d bet it’d help her. Did you have anyone older to talk to when you were her age? Kids these days get all sorts of shit from the internets, a one on one would probably help.

  4. How much do you know about what’s going on in your sister’s life these days? It sounds to me like she’s projecting something onto you. Maybe either she’s experiencing a hurtful situation with a boy or a friend of hers is, and she’s very clumsily trying to protect you as well. See if you can talk to her about it and if she will open up about whatever is really wrong.

  5. >So I asked why she even cared about this and she said it was because “guys will hurt me and I shouldn’t trust them”.

    Has she had some sort of awful experience herself?

  6. its possible that shes having her own negative experiences with men and is projecting them onto you out of misplaced anxiety or maybe she was indoctrinated into the weird purity cult that tiktok has been sucking teens into lately or maybe shes been reading a lot of radfem stuff and has decided to hate all men forever and consider them the enemy

    ….or shes just being a dick

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