How can a guy not feel insecure about his height (5’8)

  1. Realize that you around the average and you have nothing to worry about. Enjoy being able to fit in subcompact cars.

  2. 5’8 is pretty standard, nothing anyone would notice. you can’t let height dictate how you hold yourself. I doubt youll be in the NBA but besides that its near perfect height

  3. Move somewhere like southeast Asia where 5’8″ would be tall.

    Or grow up and don’t worry about stupid crap.

  4. Stop giving a shit and move on with your life. People really don’t care how tall you are. People will pick on you to see if it bothers you, and if it does they will continue. If it doesn’t bother you, they will notice and leave you alone.

    If the issue is women, fuck-em. They don’t matter that much anyway.

    Go on and enjoy your life and people will noice the confidence you have and they will respect you for it.

  5. Yeah nah.

    G I’m 5’10.

    See you can’t control it.

    Someone judges you for it. Redflag.

  6. Nothing you can do about it, so best not to dwell on it. I’m shorter than you and still managed to do alright for myself, got a hot asian/latina girlfriend and been going strong for years. You’re genuinely average height, my guy. If I can be not-insecure with my multitude of drawbacks, so can you.

  7. That’s average height bro…I’m 5″11 so I guess I don’t really think much about it but 5″8 isn’t short…it’s just kind of average to maybe slightly below average and quite frankly unless your dating tall women, most women won’t care as long as you have other shit going for you…have a good career, good style, be fun and interesting…height is a value trait but it’s only one of many and only 13% of the population is over 6 foot, less than 3% are over 6″1 and less than 1% over 6″3…the average woman is 5″4 so your alright.

    If it makes you feel any better I have a buddy who 5″5 and his girlfriend is an absolute rocket with an insane body! she’s a fitness model with 100,000 followers…granted he’s jacked to the gills and he’s outgoing as hell! but he’s short a fuck and he knows it…he just jokes about it and doesn’t care.

  8. probably just ignore the women that have all these unrealistic expectations and just understand you’re around the same height as like the majority of males on this earth

  9. Any time some chick says she says she only dates 6′ dudes tell her *that’s great! I only date women who aren’t picky bitches. Toodles*

  10. 5’8? Rock your height no matter what. But I would NOT considered you short. I’m 5’4, and I’ve had a hormone deficiency through middle and high school keeping me around 4’7 for most of it. But there are MANY men shorter than me. Just feel yourself. Do things and find things, that make you feel confident. Like I discovered that clothing and outfits make me feel confident. It’s all about his you wish to present yourself.

  11. I’m 6ft and still get women bothering me for not reaching that mystical “6ft 2”. Which, if you think about it, is based on practically nothing of substance. My point being if people want to criticize you then they will, being above average height won’t really save you.

  12. Take some tips from Kevin Hart, he’s 5″4, but has the confidence of someone 6ft.

  13. Just go around telling anybody that looks at you “I’m not short, it’s just cold”. Eventually somebody will get the joke.

    But seriously. Ultimately the only way around your insecurities is to just get the hell over them, and you’re the only one that can do it. Besides 5’8 is not particularly short

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