I’ve been dating this guy for one year and two months. It was a year full of sadness and cries for me, I started thinking that it might be a mistake being with him. It’s my first relationship and it’s also his first relationship. I always allowed his bad behavior because he didn’t have any experience with other girls and thought I deserve all the shit he was doing, while I was mature about our relationship and always treated him the best. Sometimes I was spending money on gifts for him, instead of on myself.

At the beginning of our relationship he had a massive crush on another girl for years(he told me this, he told me also that she is adorable and he never told me I’m cute or other comments). We got in a relationship at the begging of May 2021 and I saw notifications from her while he was with me(he always stopped talking to me to answer her at that moment) I was quiet about that girl until June 2021 when I told him to stop talking to her and he said he will.

He also used to comment on other girls’ pictures and when I asked “why you don’t comment on my pictures?” He said: “I’m not the type to comment”. I sent screenshots of his comments to him and he said he doesn’t remember. I told him to stop, and he said he will and I found out he still commented on other girls’ pictures and not on mine, not a single comment.

Ok, getting back to that girl. I had a nightmare about him and that girl in June 2022, I told him to show me the last messages with her(and I never told him to show me this, or give me his phone, I trusted him, until that day) well he deleted his conversation with her on Facebook and on Instagram the last text with her was on November 5th, 2021, after 6 months of being together(and he told me he stopped talking to her).

I found out he talked more with her than with me, while we had only around 20 messages per day, he had with her 200messages per day. He also called me a couple of times her name. He used to call her with video for hours, while he was talking with me with no camera and for a couple of minutes. He told me many times he goes to sleep and then calls her, or that girl was calling him. He congratulated her for getting into college, he never congratulated me. He planned to get out with her for coffee on a date, he never took me on a date. He always texted her Good Night and Good Morning with a red heart and called her “my life”(he never called me like this) and send her funny videos or sexual content. I saw in their conversation they were talking about me and she called me “dumb”, he accepted, he didn’t defend me.

I found that after a long time, in June 2022, they stopped talking on November 5th, 2021. We almost broke up, he started crying that he doesn’t want to lose me, and now he treats me very well, calling me all the time with video on, giving me multiple compliments, and so on. I’m not as attracted to him as I used to be, but I care about him a lot. Should I give him another chance or leave him? He also deleted all the comments he commented on other girls’ pictures, deleted his likes from other girls, unfollowed over 400 girls on Instagram, and unfriended 600 girls on Facebook, including that girl.

P.S he didn’t date that girl because they live in different cities


Today we hung out and he started crying cuz he is happy with me and feeling lucky that I gave him another chance. He started giving me much attention and compliment me all the time. He always says he was dumb and stupid for what he did. He buys me chocolates(cuz he knows that I love chocolates). He wants to go with me in a trip. He talks about his future with me, about our marriage and kids.

I am really confused right now and can’t think normally, should I actually start trust him and be with him or just leave him?

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