I’ve been talking to this guy for about 9 months. I wanted to date him, but I had an ex that was harassing me and going after the guy I was seeing. He told me he didn’t want to date, but in February, I told him I had a ONS with this guy, and he got very upset. We’ve had sex multiple times since then. I saw him Monday and gave him a blow job. Today, my ex sent me something about him buying a house with another woman. I confronted him about it and he deleted me on Snapchat and told me I’m too dramatic and he can’t be my friend anymore. I called him and he said we can be friends but that’s it. He said maybe we can date in 5 years? I’m so confused. Is there any possible not shady explanation for this? Do I contact her? What do I do? I feel devastated by this

Not sure if this is important but he was my professor and that’s how I met him. He’s 40 M and I’m 25 F. Also I hit on him first.

  1. No. Just leave it alone.
    Stop stressing yourself and others. It’s not worth it.
    You can find someone else who respects you and who you respect.

  2. Sorry, but unless he’s buying with a mate, he’s cheating on her with you 🙁

    I’d block this guy.

  3. He’s in e serious relationship and was cheating on her with you. If I was in your shoes, I would tell the girlfriend. If I was her, I’d want to know that the guy I’m buying a house with cheated on me. But, that’s me.

  4. You are no more than an option to him. For him you are not “the one”.
    Be thankful for his rejection so you can move on and find “the one”.
    Your only young once and old for a very very long time.

  5. When you are in your sexual prime his plumbing will be failing. I have three daughters. I would not encourage them to pursue this.

  6. >Is there any possible not shady explanation for this?


    You were a side chick.

    What do you want to do?

    Hold your head high and move on?

    Or let the woman know about you?

    You owe him nothing, and her not knowing about you when they are buying a house together is pretty scummy move on his part.

    Do you trust the ex’s info

    Edit he was your prof? Fuck him, call her. He has a power relationship with you and an obligation not to exploit it.

  7. I did the same thing. When I was 14 I was with a 22 year old woman with two kids.
    Then at 19 with a 32 year old woman with three kids.
    So I do understand. These are relationships that will need therapy later on as you try to have a healthy marriage.
    I had to go back and reset the foundation. Our influences from formative years play out in our future sexuality.
    Squirrel away this title. Pat Carnes – Out of the Shadows
    There’s a chapter on family influences on your formation. This book is 30 years of counseling in one place. Most may not apply to you, but the little that does is invaluable.
    It’s the stuff people don’t want to talk about and or can’t begin to articulate.
    You are someone’s daughter and my heart hurts for my sister in life.
    Best wishes, my sis
    Be blessed.
    (make wise choices)

  8. But you were hooking up with this father, what more did you expect.

    Stand up dust yourself and move on…

  9. >he was my professor and that’s how I met him. He’s 40 M and I’m 25 F

    Girl, first, he is in a relationship with this woman he is buying the house and was cheating with you.

    Second, he is 15 years old and he was your professor. He can get in a lot of trouble for that. Did you have sex or anything while he was still your professor? Do you think he’d be able to introduce the 25 year old former student as his GF? No, he wouldn’t and it would raise a lot of eyebrows.

    Move on. If you want to be petty, find the woman he is buying the house with to warn her about his cheating.

  10. Dude is trash and he used you. This is why we constantly warn women not to date their professors or men who are much older. Sorry, don’t ever speak to him again and I hope you can heal quickly.

  11. He was using you for sex.

    Everything about the 40 yr old exploiting his 20 something student is shady. So, no there is no non shady reasons here.

    Please get a therapist to help you work on yourself. Your ex sounds like he was toxic and this guy is bad news. You deserve better, but you wont find it until you srop chasing awful people who neither value or respect you.

  12. You don’t *do* anything. Wtf is wrong with you? *you’ve* been hooking up with multiple people too you hypocrite.

  13. Yeah, tell his gf. Save her from wasting her time on this dude. You’d wanna know if the roles were reversed

  14. He was dating her long enough to want to move in. You need to move on. He’s trash.

  15. Get angry and not sad! You deserve so much better than to be treated like that. Look after yourself and don’t worry about him or his soon-to-be saggy 🏀⚾️

  16. He’s keeping you as a backup option. This is not a compliment. It seems like he thinks he can do better than you, so he is pursuing other women, but is future-faking you to keep you around in case he wants a side-plate or someone to settle for if it doesn’t work out with the girl he is actually interested in building a life with. If I were you, I would tell the woman and ditch him.

  17. You need to take a deep breath and before you do anything get in touch with yourself . Ask yourself what’s really upsetting you snd what are you looking for in all the wrong places ? What you have for him is just attraction .. aka lust nothing more and that’s what he has for you . Ditch everyone find yourself.. heal yourself.. love yourself and then go love someone that will make you his Queen . Sending you hugs .. you got this ♥️

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