I may have done this on snapchat but it could turn out to be someone else. Either way if it is someone else I’m considering sending it all to her Facebook message. I just like idk I want her to know how cruel she was to me…

  1. I’ve been abused verbally and emotionally in the past and honestly, if they did it then, they probably don’t care what I have to say. But, if you feel that it might help you process and move on – perhaps consider it?

    Though if they reply, don’t take the bait. Say what you have to say then leave it otherwise you could get sucked back into a toxic relationship. Be careful.

  2. No.

    I do not want to talk to him. I do not want to think about him. I blocked him on everything. He is not my problem anymore. He wouldn’t be able to do anything if he knew or cared how I felt, and if he apologized, it wouldn’t change anything for me.


    But also, don’t message people to tell them off for abusing you if you’re not 100% certain they’re the person who hurt you. Deeply unkind thing to do.

  3. If they’re not actively proud of how they act they at least don’t fucking care. Best way to deal with an abuser is to go no contact and heal your wounds. Go get drunk, fuck a few randoms and seek therapy.

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