Would you count sniffing your neck as harassment/assult? Why?

  1. Harassment, yes absolutely. It’s fucking weird. A face should not be close enough to my neck to sniff it without my permission.

    Edit: not assault because no physical contact (imo)

  2. Yes I think it would be sexual harrassment because you would be invading my personal space for your own unwanted and uninvited sexual gratification.

    Plus there is a fucking Pandemic still active….keep your nose and mouth away from my body.

  3. Absolutely it is. Its total creep behaviour and is inappropriate.

    I was assaulted on the street by a man who grabbed me as I was walking past by the back of my hair, pulled my head back and began sniffing me. I was 10 and another woman had to pry him off of me.

    Don’t give that kinda behaviour a pass. Its one thing if someone notices your perfume or shampoo and another if they’re being an obvious creep.

  4. Harassment: any unwanted behavior, physical or verbal (or even suggested), that makes a reasonable person feel uncomfortable, humiliated, or mentally distressed.

    So, yeah.

  5. Yup. That’s way too fucking close. Think, would they do that to a man? Of course not.

  6. That’s just creepy. But not an assault. An assault would require physical contact.

    It’s not better than a guy who sniffed a woman’s ass in a store. There is a video.

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