What’s your “oh, i fucked up real bad” moment?

  1. Quit my safe and secure civil service job in the UK, packed a suitcase and flew to Australia to start a new life.

    Finally arrived after a stupid-long flight, exhausted, and got to the immigration desk, only to hear “Sorry, sir. Your visa expired two hours ago. I can let you in as a tourist but you’re not allowed to work and you’ll have to leave within three months”.

    Like, fuck…

  2. Getting ready to deploy in 1993, and my girlfriend shows up at the barracks. Says she’s late!

  3. Spending a whole day hanging out with a new female friend while my (now ex, for reasons that are about to become embarrassingly clear) girlfriend was out of town.

    Being in complete denial about how flirtatious the whole dynamic was. I mean, I knew on some level, and I was loving it, but my brain kept saying “I’m just spending some strictly platonic time with a strictly platonic new friend” while my penis was secretly plotting its own agenda.

    *Actually believing that she just wanted to charge her phone* when she asked if she could come to my place to charge her phone before driving home.

    Realizing how much of a fucking idiot I was once she was at my place.

    I successfully resisted temptation, but it was still a death blow to my relationship, which I totally fucking deserved, despite successfully resisting temptation. I never should have put myself in that position in the first place.

    (Still, there’s a part of me that’s kind of proud of successfully resisting temptation.)

  4. When I was in the air with the feeling of nothingness below me as I gazed up at the sky after being bounced out of the bed of a pickup truck.

  5. When I spurted out my desire to kill myself in front of my older sister and made my Lil brother cry

    God I hate myself

  6. I wanted to sell my motorcycle for a classic car, 60’s model sedan, something the entire family could enjoy. (Wife wouldnt let the kids ride on my motorcycle)
    Wife said nope, I’ve got enough going on in life to have an old car to wrench on too. We argued, but I accepted my defeat.

    Said car was on eBay, I thought I’d help bump up the price as I’d talk to the owner some at this point. Put in a bid I knew would get beat and carried on with life.

    Next night at dinner for my daughters birthday, get a pop up on my phone from eBay “congratulations, you’ve won”

    My immediate reaction “oh fuckity fuck”

    All in all, years later that was one of my biggest regrets in my relationship. I should have backed out, but I didn’t and now I’ve got a massive decoration piece in the garage the wife refuses to sit in.
    My stupidity really created some lasting issues in our relationship that I’m finally just now getting fixed.

  7. I booked a flight ticket on the correct date, but the wrong month. The cost of the ticket was over a grand. As soon as the confirmation hit my screen, I was like “Oh, I done fucked up”.

    Thankfully, they had a 24 hour refund policy which I took full advantage of.

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