I(25F) have never had a boyfriend and I don’t know why. I have been courted before many times, but I couldn’t get myself to like them.

Recently a friend of mine told me that the type of guys I like are ‘objectively ugly’ and an attractive guy would treat me better than an ugly guy since he wouldn’t need validation, which makes perfect sense.
I honestly can’t tell if I purposefully like unnattractive guys because i’m insecure. I do like fat guys for some reason, and face-wise I compare every single guy to a lifelong crush of mine, gerard way. I’ve heard people both say he’s ugly but i’ve heard more say that he’s one of the most attractive people ever.

The one guy I had sex with had somewhat similar features to gerard but had more obvious flaws and was very insecure, so he just used me for sex. But I would date him in a heartbeat if he wanted a gf.
I’ve had enough guys be interested in me that it makes me wonder why I don’t have a boyfriend at this point, and if it’s because I have a superiority complex or truly because they weren’t attrctive enough for me even though they were conventionally attractive and had good jobs mostly.

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