My girlfriend of 5 years has swallowed twice. Once on her first BJ she gave me, and another on a drunken night a few years ago. She loves sucking dick, but not swallowing because she says my cum tastes gross.

We’ve since come to the conclusion that both of those times were on heavy drinking and bad eating weekends so there’s a good chance that was a big contributor.

She said last night that she wants to swallow my cum one night this week and I get to tell her when. I’m excited af, but want it to be as good as possible. Advice?

My plan:

– No alcohol

– No coffee

– No garlic

– Eat more fruit

– Lots of water

How long do I need to do this for and what else should I be doing?

  1. I honestly don’t know, maybe it’s more than that. My boyfriend and smoke weed, like every day, he eats relatively healthy but definitely still eats fast food regularly for lunch. Drinks a few times out of the week and his cum has never ever tasted nasty, I enjoy it because it has a nice flavor. Maybe a few days of eating fruit and drinking plenty of water might make a difference but maybe this is just how your cum tastes 😭 has she tasted anyone else’s prior to you

  2. No processed food either. Stick to whole foods. I’m a meat and fruit guy and my cum tastes great

  3. I don’t know the answer to how long, but when the two of us went for weight loss, that was a bonus side effect. Still had coffee and garlic, but curtailed fried foods. Good luck.

  4. Plenty of guys have asked this on here before . The consensus although not tested scientifically was .
    No smoking
    No spicy foods
    No Garlic
    No booze

    Do drink lots of water
    Do take regular exercise
    Do eat fruit
    Do drink pineapple juice
    And it should be noticeable with a week .

  5. Honestly, it’s up to the individual if it taste good. Improve your diet see how that goes. If you taste it with her that may be helpful. Just saying

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