what traits did you inherit from your parents?

  1. My struggle to open up emotionally 100% came from my dad. The reason we get along so well is because there’s not a lot of emotion going on(we hug and say I love you).

  2. I hit the mental health jackpot. I also have my mother’s “sunflower eyes”. They are blue with some gold around the iris, resembling a sunflower.

  3. My dad and I have a lot of similar mannerisms, got his intimacy issues, but also very honest like him. With my mom I got her smarts, bountiful creative energy, and blessed with her looks.

  4. Got all my dad’s health issues and his love for Excel. Got my mom’s free spirit and large feet.
    (Edited typos)

  5. Long fingers and toes from my dad, and also his personality.

    Almost all of my mom’s birthmarks, and also her love for reading.

  6. I got my fathers height ( my dad is 6’6, I am 5’9, my mom is 5’1), dark skin tone, and green eyes. I also am blind in my left eye like my father and a tendency to have kidney stones.

    I got my mothers facial features, curly hair, and figure.

  7. From my mother:


    Big feet

    Good hair


    Brown eyes

    From my dad:

    Love of reading

    Good at math

    My chin

    Tendency towards depression

  8. Saving money and spending money. My mother was a materialistic person, my dad is frugal.

    Never give up, keep pushing forward and never settle. My mother, everything she did, she would not give up, even if ten people told her she can’t win, but she kept pushing forward. She never took “no” as answer if she was loosing. Even if there was 2% chance of succeeding, she would fight for it.

    In many ways, I’m like my mother. I don’t give up. I keep pushing forward.

  9. Big boobs, dimple chin, bad mental health (all prevalent on both sides of my family!)

  10. Enforcing boundaries. From my grandmother on down, the women in my family are quick to check you when you try to cross ours–especially men. I was surprised when I found out people had trouble saying “No”. I also grew up in a polite, but plain-spoken, get to the point city.

  11. Father: reserved, secretive, good at math
    Mother: stubborn, adventurous, anger issues, strategic

  12. I’ve got my moms cheekbones and physique since we don’t gain much weight so we’re lean.
    We are also self sufficient, ambitious, loyal and humble. Wish I was stronger like her emotionally tho, shes more resilient to emotional pain. Negatives are being emotionally avoidant when others hurt us, and having a hard time (a fear of) crying in front of others since it’s a vulnerable position to be in

  13. My dad’s deadpan frivolity and my mother’s random rage. I got my lack of communication skills from both.

  14. From my Hispanic dad, the love of music and pets. Also got Diabetes from his side. I also look like him but in a feminine way. From my Dutch mom, how to act like a White woman, be atheist and be good at arguing.

  15. I’m the spitting image of my mother and look more like her everyday. Also super stubborn and self-reliant, not a big fan of asking for help even when I really need it.

  16. Amazing flat face with beautiful Alaskan cheeks from mom, Her love of humanity and want to keep helping against all odds. She works with rez kids of different tribe but she never gives up on any of them. The adventurous nature and love of camping and hiking from dad. He always displayed his tribal love of nature as well, respect and experience all we can in this life. Marine vet, he managed his emotions about serving and being tribal. There is a way.

    Flip side, mom switched her religion to every religion that came knocking because in boarding school told her she inadequate to make her own choices. I became atheist for years after figuring this out. But when I saw my people dance …it brought it all home. She was just misguided. She misguided me. I still have some self doubt. Dad, he thought if you make all the right decisions good things come. So not true. Military, just follow orders, it gave him PTSD, but if admit to it your weak Sometimes shitz happens. No damn pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    Took me into my late 30s to really understand, I saw it. Didn’t empathize fully till then. Now in my 40s. I inherited alot of my parents. Soft heart but strong as steel. It’s okay for men to cry and have emotions. Sat with my dad as a young one not knowing why dad cried. He was having PTSD from Vietnam. I never said anything, but he held me and it seemed to help.

    Glad I got to see so many sides of my parents. We were forbidden our culture, language, last name even. They kept their best traits and passed them down enthusiastically. The bad parts…they didn’t know. I have raised my son’s, I remember all these things when I see my mistakes but propels me to show the good. Kids get it, eventually.

  17. So many traits from my dad. I’m pretty short tempered (I control it though, but internally I feel it haha) and I’m kinda naturally sad/depressed, good at math, I look exactly like a female version of him.

    I got my moms naturally thick eyebrows and her toe lengths which are nicer than my dads haha.

  18. Anxiety and commitment issues in terms of nature and extreme guilt and embarrassment over everything in terms of nurture lol

  19. I got my big eyes, the gap between my two front teeth, and passive aggressiveness from my dad. I got my bushy eyebrows, wide nose, and aloof attitude—with the tendency to come off as cold or uncaring—from my mom. The physical traits, I’m happy with. The other stuff, I am working on.

  20. My mother is incredibly hard-working and generous. I got that from her. My father is SO forgetful – got that from him.

  21. I have my dad’s green eyes. The rest of my appearance, my facial features, hair colour, build and skin complexion is from my mum.

    I have my mum’s perfectionism and attention to detail. I have my dad’s sense of humour.

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