My personality sucks and I’m trying to model someone who has a great personality. Who would you recommend?

  1. Personally I feel like you’d be better off learning who you are and getting comfortable with yourself. Work on learning to love yourself.

    Just take a minute first thing in the morning and look in a mirror and tell yourself I love you while smiling. I keep a hand mirror by the bed for this purpose.

    When I started doing it I was so low that even taking the 10 seconds to do this was too much to do regularly. It took about a year before I could do it everyday, about another one before I stopped feeling like a liar, and it wasn’t until about halfway through the 3rd year that I started to believe it. 

    If I’m misunderstanding what your asking for I apologize. If you’re trying to improve your people skills, Ryan Reynolds, and Will Ferrell have great people skills. Be yourself though, if you’re struggling for n areas you can study how other people handle them, but make them your own.

    If you aren’t true to yourself you can’t be true to anyone else and you won’t be able to make meaningful connections. This will lead to a very shallow and unfulfilled life.

    Be well!

  2. As long as you try to model ‘someone’ you will always lose. Because you will never get the whole picture of a celebrity or someone too far away, and when it’s in a scenerio you haven’t come across in and you can’t guess how they’d react, you freeze and the whole facade comes down.

    It’s much better to extract nitpicks from personalities when you UNDERSTAND why they are feeling this way and how they react, what their other options could’ve been and didn’t do those.

    You don’t want to come to the right choice for the wrong reasons, as any of your variables change and the whole thing crumples. You know what’s worst than a loser, a loser who fakes being important or something that he’s not. Try to understand your feelings, try to understand others’ feelings. Don’t try to be macho. Be as most effective in addressing how you feel, and how others feel without needing to offend anyone. Always be polite as long as you can get your way.

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