I am with this guy who I am so freaking into! We have sex and it feels so good that I clench and tighten my whole body, sometimes to the point that I am blocking entry, but cant help it… my body is always sore the next day cause I clentch so tight……. this is a 1st for me and he is not my first….

It feels really good, but I feel like I am holding myself back from so much more… is there more? If so, any advice on achieving the orgasm? Do people have to be crazy high to get this orgasm, lol? I try to just relax but I am too crazy lol

  1. My girl gets really tight like that before orgasm. There’s likely more beyond that point, but I’m just a random stranger on the internet so idk how your body works.

  2. Try a little clit stimulation when you are feeling like that. You’ll know when you orgasm 😉

  3. If you feel like you’re holding back, you probably are. Try to ride the wave, so to speak. Some people do find weed helps their body relax more, so that could work if you want to try that.

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