What are some signs you are with the wrong person and you should be with someone else romantically? What was your ah-ha moment if you had this happen? For context I am 32M.

  1. The right person is someone who respects your feelings and you respect theirs. That you treat each other’s feelings as equally important. If one or both of you can’t do that, you’re with the wrong person.

  2. I’m maybe a bit young to answer so…

    You know you’re with the right person when you want to share things with them (emotions, experiences, presents …). But obviously this “longing” feeling doesn’t stay forever because you get to share. And it’s all kind of complicated because each person has a different way of expressing love.

    But obviously you’re with the wrong person if there’s no connection or if that person is bad (they do crimes, they hurt other people or they abuse you …)

  3. Not to be crass, but if they don’t make me squirt, I’m gone lmao. That’s just for me. They also need to be a conversation starter. Can’t just sit there and make me do all the talking.

  4. I am vehemently against cheating. Like I’m sure everyone says that. But really… I am. It is a horrible thing to do to someone.

    I knew I was with the wrong person when I contacted an ex and hung out with him. We didn’t do anything. We caught up. Watched tv. But it was something I knew I wouldn’t be okay with if the roles were reversed.

    My relationship was just so empty and dissatisfying. I needed to feel desired and worthy by someone. I saw myself starting down a slippery slope and I broke up with my bf the next day.

    I hadn’t physically cheated. But honestly, if I hadn’t ended things, I would have cheated

    So my sign is : doing things that are generally outside of your morals and personality. In a negative way. When your relationship starts to steer you into being a worse person

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