I met a guy from a dating app about two years ago. We went on one actual date that ended up at his house. At that time we hooked up and had what I consider to be mediocre sex. We continued having casual sex for about a week or two.
I was interested in dating, he said he was as well. He introduced me to his friends during a night out. The thing is, he was always trying to get me to sleep with him at that time. He’d ask me to lunch at his house and he’d try to have sex. I’d want to go to a movie, he’d want me to come over. So I ended things.
Now, two years later, he sends me a text. He said he really liked me and wanted the chance to get to know me more. I said ok. We set a dinner date. 15 minutes before the date he said he invited his friends that I had met before. At this point I was a little irritated because how are we supposed to talk if we are with his friends. We all went out anyway. I kissed him a little bit at the end of the date and he got really worked up and told me that he missed me and that it was the best sex he’s ever had. Meanwhile I don’t remember any details of it being that great. I forgot that he can be really pushy and when he kisses he lounges at me and I feel like I’m being smothered.
He said he was in town Saturday and I told him we could do something and that I was not interested in being intimate with him. He says that he’s tired and purposely wore sweat pants so he’s not dressed enough to go out. He then spends 3 hours at my house. I tried to get him into playing a game with me or legitimately watching a movie and talking. He kept trying to kiss me and when he did, he’d go straight for me pants. I pushed him away and he said, oh don’t do this to me. Anyway. He invited me to Cabo and more stuff with his friends. I am not sure what his actual intentions are.

TLDR; a guy I slept with two years ago asked me out again and I can’t tell if it’s just a booty call.

  1. Most likely wanting to take you out again since his last relationship didn’t work. You may just be a rebound.

  2. Stop wasting your time on this guy. Doesn’t sound like he respects your boundaries and you are better off just telling him you aren’t interested. He isn’t putting in any effort either.

  3. He got dumped and is looking for comfort. It doesn’t sound like he’s looking for a relationship and in any case, you found him mediocre in bed and pushy. Doesn’t seem worth you putting much effort into spending time with him.

  4. You don’t know what his expectations are lmao. You want to be in a relationship that’s clear, don’t settle for anyone. Especially not this weirdo.

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