What is the target audience for all these “Alpha” and “Strong” men videos?

  1. Boys and young men who are looking for direction and who don’t yet have sufficiently-developed bullshit detectors.

  2. Young men who are in need of a role model and an ideal to strive for. Sure it’s fun to laugh at the idea but I don’t think striving for greatness is a bad thing

  3. insecure men. Its the same model the fashion industry and women’s mags have used for years.

    Present someone else as better or hotter. Just a good 30 minute block of presenting this better person to a consumer. Then imply the consumer is inferior and would get everything they want if they were just like the person being presented. Then sell products to help them become that person.

  4. So I tried watching some of these videos a few months back and here are a few things I took away from them:

    1. A lot of them really seemed obsessed with this idea that your self worth as being valued at “money in bank + hotness of current girlfriend = high value male” – any man who tried living this lifestyle will tell you its depressing and unfulfilling AF
    2. A few, but not all, of these “channels” are lead by men that have been outed as being the exact opposite as to what they project themselves to be….AlPhAs – If you preach about being an AlPhA you’re probably not…
    3. MOST of them try to convey this idea that you shouldn’t respect the women you’re with, in fact you should be “slaying” as many as you can. – Not gonna diss this one because we’ve all been there, but come on if you’re a womanizer you’re pretty much a massive P.O.S.
    4. Almost every single one of them come off as a douche. – These videos SCREAM insecurity

  5. Young men who don’t have enough life experience to know bullshit when they hear it.

    A lot of those alpha men in the “manosphere” are almost always revealed to be absolute scumbags, as happened with Fresh and Fit, Jack Murphy and will continue to be revealed of more going forward. They don’t live the life they preach.

    Nobody I know when they don’t have a phone in their hand uses the term “alpha”. Shit, I know guys who are exactly the sorts one would expect to use that word and even they think it’s cringe.

    It’s young men who haven’t had many relationships but have been told since they were 13 that the measure of a man’s value is his body count, and they want to be reassured that their virginity or inexperience is everyone else’s fault and not theirs, be it society’s fault, women’s fault, the internet’s fault, the government’s fault.

    And they’re not totally wrong, I mean some women out there who 50 years ago would have been looking to marry are currently off on OnlyFans making money for a lifestyle I don’t think will appeal to them beyond their 20s. But the way the manosphere packages what could be reasonable advice is just so gross. I’ve seen jackasses try to reason away men who have 10 kids by 7 women and im just sitting there like dude, this is not something any healthy society wants to normalise. But they do all that “oh well the men with the resources get the women” shit and it just feels eerily culty

  6. Dudes that wanna learn how to get a girl to like them for superficial reasons (they want this because they don’t know it’s superficial and are just getting to some desperation and want to try something) I personally used to watch ct fletcher , the hodge twins and Elliot hulse but they aren’t toxic they just motivate to lift weights

  7. To be honest what I’ve seen is mostly misguided click bait. They say ignorant nonsense with a target audience that doesn’t understand it is ignorant audience and are profiting from a shock and awe driven viewership. Seeking outrage from women.

    When you realize what being a man is, it’s easy to realize it isn’t what these videos demonstrate.

  8. insecure guys I’m pretty sure, which is funny because I’m super insecure but even I still find them incredibly cringe and unwatchable

  9. Very misguided males with a low self esteem issue, and feel inferior. I think they view themselves as pussies and the world would be at there feet if the just acted like an alpha. Until a real alpha comes along and steps on there head.

  10. Boys, young men, and men who are trying to find answers to questions other people will not adequately answer.

    Take the example of a young man having trouble with the ladies. He wants a girlfriend or hookup or fuck buddy. He has no idea how to make this happen. This young man then asks the people around him how to make this happen. Those people give non-specific and unactionable advice. That was pointless and does not help the young man.

    The young man then turns to the internet to look for answers. The young man finds people claiming to have answers to the exact questions he was asking. Some of the advice is effective for the young man. The young man then elevates their consideration of the words from the source of their answers even if everything said after the initial advice does not help at all.

    The answers to the questions the young man were asking tend to be claimed to be answered in the “alpha” and “strong” content.

  11. Insecure guys who think there’s only one way to excel at life, typically also just don’t understand that women are, you know, just people. They think your only two options in life are to place them on a pedestal or be an insufferable twat to them.

  12. Boys who have been or are currently being raised without a father or father figure in their lives.

    So a large number of them.

  13. There’s lots of unwarranted hate against these kind of YouTubers. I can understand why given some of the topics and heterodox opinion. Some of them are a bit excessive and are trying to be controversial to rack up youtube subs and views and thus make more money. But the real underlying message spread by most of these manosphere content creators is pretty simple:

    1. Focus on yourself.
    2. Improve yourself through education/work.
    3. Realise how male/female dating dynamics work in this day and age.

    That’s pretty much it. For all the talk of insecurity and toxicity, the main message is just to improve in all facets of life. This does not mean that some of these videos do not have lots of BS filler in them or that some are unhealthy. Are some a bit over the top? Sure they are, but it’s social media, what do you expect?!

    If you actually watch what these people are saying, the above pretty much covers it. But it’s so controversial that people just follow the crowd and spout out pre-formulated “opinions” about how it is related to “insecurity” and “toxicity” etc. A bit excessive, in my humble opinion. Give it a fair hearing before formulating your *OWN* opinion.

  14. The same people with punisher logos. I had an obese coworker who had a logo like that and he felt like a badass because he ran his mouth a lot and was always carrying a gun on his backpack. Pretty insecure individual if you ask me.

  15. Lost young men, teens, and idiots.

    Sadly a great deal of the progressive portion of our western society over corrected for our past mistakes and jettisoned young men to appear more welcoming to women. I believe their intention was good but they used a sledge hammer where a scalpel was needed. Couple that with the oddly prevalent “Its not my job to teach you” attitude I’ve observed and you create a vacuum for people like Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and a multitude of other 2015-2017 “anti-woke” voices who are thrilled to teach anyone about their world view.

  16. You mean like Alpha m. and channels like that? Those videos exist for one thing: money. If you have ever sat down and watched one you will notice that there is a short bit of actual “advice” at the beginning, followed by an unnecessarily long advertisement or product promotion in the middle, then another minute or two of “advice” again. The ad is typically the longest part of the video. I do not think most of them start out that way, but a lot of them end up doing that because the deals and revenue become too tempting. Occasionally they do “personal” videos where they talk to the audience about something that has happened in their life, but I cannot help but feel like it is just an attempt to make the channel look a little less cold and corporate.

    There used to be a men’s lifestyle channel I liked called “Real Men Real Style” that was more about suits and how to wear things and not look like a bum basically. I picked up a lot of good information from that channel such as how to tie a necktie, match leathers, how to button different types of jackets, tucking a shirt properly, etc. But eventually even they started focusing too much on brand deals and advertisements as well. YouTube has an entire ocean of men’s advice videos with so many different camps and sub-genres that I could spend all day breaking down and ranting about. You will go crazy trying to figure out what “the true path to manhood” is because there is so much contradicting information. You are better off learning from your elders and peers who have a bit more life experience, honestly. And everybody is bound to learn from a mistake or two at some point. That is just life. Live and learn. Rant over.

  17. I view a problem with it.. people, especially young one’s. If they look up “how to be a man” and stuff like this, you get lead to these videos. There are barely any good real one’s or you have to dig deep.

  18. People who lack self-confidence and don’t/didn’t have the home life to cultivate it.

  19. I don’t know if anyone will agree, but I started off just looking for motivation. First alpha male content creator I was into was Gary Vee. I would watch his stuff and just think about what it took to be successful. I didn’t want to be rich, i just needed someone to help push me through my last year of college. After that is when all these anti-feminist popped up talking about gender roles specifically. Then it got to the point where everyone had become fat-phobic and transphobic. Now everyones just virtue signaling reacting to staged tik toks because they cant handle reality. Im almost concerned that this stuff didnt have a bigger impact on me.

  20. The target audience is those dudes who are very insecure, and only care about how others perceive them. They try to act all cool and “alpha” but we all see right through their bullshit, they are almost always rude, womanizers, controlling and always have a lot of insecurities. They kinda prey on young men who have 0 life experience. I don’t think it’s “cool” or “alpha” to have a high body count or anything they try to brag about.

  21. Disenfranchised men.

    The world is very hostile to men currently. Were shunned for being men, told that were supposed to just sacrifice everything for others, and we now have to compete with women on every way possible including in dating.

    While a lot of them are VERY cringe, the message is good for the most part.

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