Additional context: I am not an American, English is my fourth language.

  1. Within context, based is meant as “based in reality” so it’s used to express agreement. It can also be used sarcastically when someone says something outrageous.

  2. If you’re older than 25 just don’t worry about it, you won’t understand anyway.

  3. It means that someone has said something that may not be the general consensus for the general population but you agree with it.

    For instance

    Person 1-“If you do something stupid you deserve 100% of your dumb decisions consequences.”

    Person 2-“Based”

    If I understand the word correctly.

  4. It means that they have a highly individualized and well established position that is not subject to change because of its popularity

  5. This is asked on a lot of subs. “Based” means that someone said what they thought when they weren’t supposed to without caring about the social costs. Obviously, the people who thinks that person was right will call the person “based.” The people who are supplying the social costs will have other things to say about them.

  6. When someone says “based” or “based on” means…

    Elaborate further. (the answer)

  7. based – someone just said something with complete disregard of social norms or consequences, but still somewhat true, ie ‘women are physically inferior to men’.

  8. immature child who thinks they know everything but in fact they are just paranoid

  9. Nah nah most people here have it wrong. Saying based doesnt mean that its a controversial opinion (though it often is) or that you agree with it (though you often do).

    For one it always has a positive connotation from the user, so its not just controversial in general its more like “so bold but so true”.

    Also you don’t have to agree with something to say its based, its more like acknowledging that its valid(?)

    Kind of hard to explain but in vernacular its used slightly differently than people are saying in this thread

  10. It means you just said some breathtakingly stupid horseshit and now the stupidest mouthbreathing neanderthal on the face of this earth agrees with you.

  11. It means to say something without caring about the opinions of others.

    Wear a pro-abortion shirt at a anti abortion rally, based, Doing the opposite is also based.

    Another word for cool.

  12. Just another meaningless, trendy term people literally only use to fit in. Nothing worth remembering, just like YOLO, swag, fell off, ratio, etc.

  13. Something like ‘solid point’ – acknowledging that someone’s view is worth of respect.

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