When I’m at work I don’t really get anxiety, my work setting is me and another coworker being one on one with each other and it can be really easy to talk to them unless it’s a group of us then I find my self harder to express what I’m feeling or thinking about whatever conv we’re having. My husband and I went out with our coworkers for the first time in about 5 years and I thought it would be fun but I found myself super anxious. I was anxious because I wasnt talking much. And couldn’t think of things to say and when I did I felt anxious about chiming in on the conv even tho I wanted to. We had some drinks and that really didn’t help which normally if I’m with close friends that I’m comfortable with or family it makes me want to talk more. I want to go out with them again but I don’t want to be the only one sitting there not talking. When I got back to work I felt like saying sorry to one of them because I didn’t talk much. But he was only by me for a second so I decide not because I didn’t want other people hearing me apologize. My husband doesn’t have social anxiety so he had fun and really liked the experience, I just want to do the same. Any advice on how to get over this feeling would hopefully help me, I just need opinion.

1 comment
  1. Same here!! I’m always so quiet in groups that people barely notice my presence anymore 🥲 nobody wants to talk to me at work anymore because i never have anything interesting to say.

    Nothing to be apologetic about. Hope you find a solution. You’re not alone 🙂

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