I’m considering deleting my dating apps to kind of force myself to focus on myself. My photo game is weak and I think I need to get out and live life as well as become the best version of myself as cheesy as that sounds.

  1. Yep. If nothing else, the self esteem is taking less shots, I was getting no matches, no conversations, blind date modes would have nice conversations and as soon as they’d match from there they’d unmatch. Life’s better without em.

  2. It may sound cheesy but it works wonders and honestly I had done the same after trying to get a self esteem boost post-breakup. The attention was nice on the apps for a while but then it bogged me back down with anxieties of trying to impress people instead of thinking what I could do for myself. Picked up climbing, cycling, and skiing just this past year as hobbies instead of scrolling through the apps and found more fulfilling friendships that way instead of attempted relationships.

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