What would have to have changed for you consider reapproaching an ex-partner?

  1. Never happen. There’s a reason they’re exes. Actually for most of them there’s multiple reasons.

  2. That would never happen. Ever. They’re all exes for a reason and I’m done with them. I wish them well (apart from my most recent ex, I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire) but that’s as far as I go.

  3. We’d have to be living in an alternate universe because that would would never happen in this one.

  4. Never. When he called to reconcile, I realized I’d rather spend the rest of my life alone than waste another moment of my life with him.

  5. I wouldn’t be interested in doing so regardless of what changed. Past is past and ex is ex.

  6. There’s nothing that could make me even consider going back. That chapter is closed and the book is burned.

  7. I see all of the “never” answers and I know I’m an exception to the rule here, but our story is pretty circumstantial and sheer luck if I’m being honest. I made a terrible decision almost 10 years ago and thought I destroyed a relationship with someone I had extremely strong feelings for.

    The change came from me. I had enough of being unhappy, used, and abused. My ex who I’m now married to just kinda walked by into my life due to right place right time, and I made a conscientious decision to take a leap

  8. He would have to give me $50 million and happily ask “How high?” when I say “jump.”

    Then I would spend the next 3 years treating him the way he treated me during our 3 years together.

    I hope he likes the hospital.

    I didn’t.

  9. Another exception to the rule here. I’m happily married to my ex. We spent 10 years apart before getting back together. We didn’t separate for any awful reasons, and both of us had changed and grown as humans.

  10. Who he is and his entire personality completely…. yeah. I don’t think that would have been enough either

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