I’m a guy in his late 20’s who noticed he was blowing his load early and read that kegels can help strengthen the muscles to give us more control over our ejaculation and possibly negate the ejaculation my tensing them at the right moment.

I’ve been doing them every day for about 4 months and haven’t noticed anything.

Maybe my erections are a little bit more solid but I definitely don’t have more control over my ejaculation. I’ve never managed to negate an ejaculation either…when it’s ready to blow I will tense the muscles and it won’t do anything but make the ejaculation less pleasurable.

Have I been going about this the wrong way or something?

  1. One you learn what tension in your pelvic floor muscles (as well as abs, and thighs) feel like you can learn to relax them so the tension doesn’t boil over and push you into orgasm. Tightening them is the opposite of what you want.

  2. The kegel exercises you’ve been doing, are in my opinion, useless. Yes, you are going about this the wrong way, in my opinion. It’s not necessarily the power of a racecar that wins a race, it’s the knowledge and skill of the driver behind the car that wins the race.

    Your pelvic floor is literally a very complex machine. I choose to view it like a racecar. So while yes, the kegel exercises you’ve been doing have strengthened some parts of your pelvic floor, they haven’t strengthened the other parts. The important parts. You haven’t done the real exercise that you should be doing.

    Every time you stroke your penis, your pelvic floor muscles move, this is a reflex. You don’t need to do kegel exercises, outside of sex and masturbation, it’s pointless, in my opinion. Your pelvic floor already gets a workout every time your penis is being stroked. You can prove this to yourself by putting your fingers behind your scrotum, the perineum, and you’ll feel your muscles moving.

    This reflex can either work against you or for you, and that’s something that takes a lot of skill to use properly.

    When you become extremely aroused to the point of becoming orgasmic, certain nerves activate that control different areas of your pelvic floor. These areas are completely turned off outside of sex. That is why, in my opinion, I believe those kegel exercises you’ve been doing are useless.

    The only time you should be doing any kegels is when you’re in that orgasmic state. It’s a strange mixture of voluntary and involuntary muscles working at the same time. The purpose of the involuntary muscles activating is to serve the end goal of ejaculation. The involuntary muscles have significantly more power than the involuntary ones. But for a person like you, who has never exercised them before, they are usually very weak. The only workout they ever get is those brief moments when you ejaculate every so often during your life. But they are still more powerful than the voluntary muscles. This is where they can either work for you or against you.

    To prove this to you, the next time you ejaculate, have your finger on your perineum during the whole process. You will feel just how powerful these muscles are. You will notice even before ejaculation just how active they are while you’re stroking away. Remember, stroking your penis causes your muscles to move, it’s a reflex. What’s different here is that the orgasmic muscles are now in play.

    But all of this is out of your control, because you don’t know what’s going on. You need to understand that orgasm, and ejaculation are two different and separate things, but you are used to them often happening at the same time. So you can have an orgasm without ejaculating. But only if the semen is kept from going past a certain point in the urethra. They call these dry orgasms. This is where the skill comes in.

    So I want to point out the importance of these involuntary orgasmic muscles. Although they are involuntary, you can control them indirectly, through the use of a voluntary kegel, the stroking of your penis, and the movement of your hips. I believe moving or shifting your pelvic around also causes your pelvic floor muscles to move via the same reflex that stroking your penis has. It’s essential a kegel in and of itself. That is why thrusting in your partner brings you closer to ejaculation, because the muscles that you use the push your pelvis into your partner also cause little tiny kegels in your pelvic floor.

    Again, all of this can be used against you, or in your favor, it just depends on if you know what you’re doing.

    >read that kegels can help strengthen the muscles to give us more control over our ejaculation and possibly negate the ejaculation my tensing them at the right moment.
    >I’ve never managed to negate an ejaculation either…when it’s ready to blow I will tense the muscles and it won’t do anything but make the ejaculation less pleasurable.

    Here’s what you need to understand about orgasm and how it’s separate from ejaculation. The key to preventing ejaculation is to prevent it from starting in the first place. You are trying to stop it after it’s already happened. This is where it gets very confusing, because the lines between where orgasm starts, where it ends, and where ejaculation starts, is often very difficult for an inexperienced person to tell apart. They are very close together, but they are very separate from each other, but if you don’t know what’s going on, they pretty much feel like one big blob of goo.

    It’s going to take a lot more than four months for you to be able to tell the difference between an orgasm and an ejaculation. You will need to learn exactly when your orgasm has begun, and when it is about to turn into an ejaculation. You will need to learn what I discussed earlier about the muscles and how to use that to keep the orgasm from crossing the barrier into an ejaculation.

    Physically speaking, what separates an orgasm from an ejaculation is how much seminal fluid is in your urethra. If your body is producing precum, you are usually having very very tiny orgasms. If you’re highly aroused and generating a lot of precum, your orgasmic state can easily turn into an ejaculation. When semen enters your urethra, it’s a very different, thicker feeling as opposed to just a lot of precum. If your muscles are weak, once this happens, your ejaculation is inevitable. If your muscles are incredibly strong, and you have the skill, you can usually keep the semen there and experience a sort of prolonged ejaculation-like dry orgasm without having to stop stroking. If you allowed the semen to travel just a little bit further, and then successfully held the rest, you will then experience a partial ejaculation. So in a sense, you would have negated an ejaculation, at least part of it. And the few drops of semen that you didn’t negate will come out of your penis.

    Personally, I don’t particularly like partial ejaculations because they are the most difficult to control and take the heaviest toll on your pelvic floor. I much prefer the middle ground with dry orgasms, and only using a partial ejaculation as an emergency last resort if I was off with my timing.

    Generally, the stronger your muscles, the easier it is for you to keep an orgasm, dry orgasm, from turning into an ejaculation. I’m specifically talking about those involuntary muscles that work during ejaculation, but the overall state of your pelvic floor muscles work together as a team.

    If your muscles are too tense in one area, you will experience erectile dysfunction. If they’re too tense in another area, you will experience delayed ejaculation, where you basically don’t have that orgasmic feeling behind you. Your orgasm circuits have been turned off, because those involuntary orgasmic muscles are locked in their own little cramp that they can’t get out of.

    This is why your pelvic floor is a very complex machine. Everything needs to be in working order and you need to learn how to keep those things in working order and know how to operate this machine.

    As your pelvic floor muscles get stronger, you will also have to keep them in a balanced state of relaxation. Otherwise you will either find yourself having erection problems, having a harder time controlling your orgasms, or not having any orgasms at all.

    Treat your pelvic floor like a car. Cause that’s what it is. It has a gas pedal, a brake pedal, an engine, and a very complex transmission. Too much gas, not enough brake, you crash into a wall. If you don’t change the oil on a regular basis, you’ll damage the engine.

    That’s the skill that you will need to learn, is making the machine work with you and not against you. And that’s going to take a long time to learn. But hopefully, what I’ve shared in this post will shorten that for you.

  3. I’m a big fan of kegels but when I have sex I rely a lot on the 9-1 rule. 9 shallow thrusts, one deep. I don’t follow the rule explicitly, and I’m not counting, just kind of a guideline while doing it. The benefits, your penis does not get to over heated and you risking pe, and in my experience ladies love it. Going balls deep with every thrust tends to desensitize her, and make you blow your load quickly. If this is something you already practice, sorry for the redundant information.

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