LDR atm so all we can do is masturbate over the phone.

I met my gf in January and we started dating in March (we started as FWB). Now she had never had an orgasm in her life until a month ago, while she was masturbating while thinking of me. For a couple weeks she orgasmed around 70% of the time she we masturbated, and now she orgasms every single time we masturbate on call. A couple days ago she even had two in a row, and two days ago she even had three in a row. Not to mention we’ve been masturbating so much the last three or four weeks, we masturbate once or twice a day at least and I always make her come in 1-10 minutes. I’m curious as to why this sudden change in her body. She also previously stated it felt painful to go again after one orgasm, so I’m wondering if the pain gets worse the more times you come (I know she wouldn’t keep going if it hurt). And I’m always somewhat scared if I can still make her feel so good when we’re in person.

1 comment
  1. Sometimes you just learn to embrace how *good* it hurts and reach the other side.

    I personally do not find it a higher bar for each subsequent orgasm.

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