TL;DR- friend continuously smokes weed and puts me in uncomfortable situations, don’t know what to do.

So I’ve known this person for over 8 years. We have always been close and even have an apartment together now after high school. Things started to change when she turned 19 and could buy cannabis (which is legal here in Canada). Of course I was ok with it, since I also would smoke so it wasn’t a big deal, but when she’s hard she’s REALLY hard to be around. Every night she’d get high and make me watch her do a dance routine or rant about her theories which didn’t make sense. Now, these are all very normal things people do when high, except when I’d have to get up at 6 in the morning and she’d cry and argue with me because she’d want me to sit there and watch her. I’ve told her I don’t feel comfortable doing it and even stopped smoking myself so I don’t have an excuse to feed into it, but she still will just throw a fit and have a meltdown and insult me the entire time because I’m not living up to her standards. She’s even called me her baby sitter before which made me feel annoyed. I’m all for smoking weed, but this is getting ridiculous and I don’t know what to do, or if I’m in the wrong.
Would love to hear others opinions.

  1. You’re not under any obligation to be her babysitter when she gets high. So, you’re not in the wrong and I’m sure you didn’t sign up for this when you moved in together. So you can let her know that it isn’t fun for you to be around her when she’s high, it’s affecting your quality of life. If she can’t get high without disrupting you or expecting it to be a group activity, you’ll need to consider moving out.

  2. You know one of the hallmarks of adult life? Being responsible for your own shit. Actually wanting you to ‘babysit’ her because she acts crazy while stoned is massively inappropriate.

  3. Those aren’t very typical things to be doing while high. Weed can exacerbate existing mental health symptoms. Its possible yoyr friend is struggling with an underlying issue or that weed is exacerbating some odd ideas and behaviors on her part. However you are under no obligation to babysit her while she’s intoxicated or to watch her at any time. It seems like she has some odd ideas…does she struggle with her mental health otherwise?

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