To provide some context, I have always had some anxiety surrounding sexual intimacy. This is for many reasons – one of which is that several friends/family of mine had kids at a very young age, and it frightened me to see how their lives were systematically transformed. Another is that I am just not the most confident in myself or my body, and in many of the experiences I’ve had I suffered from performance anxiety, ED, and/or PE – which creates a difficult cycle where my negative experiences continue to fuel my negative perceptions of myself.

With that context, I recently met this girl who I was incredibly into. We flirted all the time leading up to us meeting, and that chemistry carried over into the first date. We shared similar life experiences, and it seemed as though the date couldn’t have gone better. At the end of the night she was very touchy with me; we shared a kiss before she suggested we go to my car and things got sexual. It was a very powerful experience for me, and I walked away from the night optimistic about what the future of our relationship held. After all, if she was all over me like that she must be into me, right? We continued to chat enthusiastically and shared another lovely dinner date, but from that point on our conversation seemed to gradually fade. I planned another date with her, but she canceled on the day of. At this point, I asked her for clarification on her expectations for the relationship and it was obvious that she was just a casual dater who felt sexually liberated. I then told her that our first date had been a powerful night for me and that I felt a little used at how nonchalant she seemed about it. She was empathetic to what I said, but I still got the feeling that I had likely changed her perception of me for the worse. Many nights later, I shared another conversation with her about potential avenues for our relationship – even discussing options like casual dating and fwb that I thought might be more appealing to her (and which I was also open to if it meant spending more time with her while getting to date others), but by this point it seemed that I scared her away as she said she wasn’t interested in continuing anything with me anymore. I felt hurt and used afterwards and wanted to write her off as manipulative in my mind, but when I thought back on it I realized that her behavior was perfectly acceptable in this dating culture and that “flings” and “hookups” are very normal. Not long after, I hooked up with another girl on Tinder hoping to rekindle some of the emotions and feelings I’d felt previously (of course being upfront about my intentions too as I didn’t want to hurt this girl as I’d been hurt), but the experience was deeply unfulfilling. What I really want is a girl with patience who will appreciate my sensitivity, but this feels nearly impossible to come by.

It feels as though I am left with two options going forward with dating. I can be open about my feelings and expectations for a more patient girl and intimate emotional connection from the very start, but this seems to come across as needy, unattractive, and prudish to most women my age who just want to be carefree and are drawn to confidence and masculinity. Alternatively, I can try to relax and meet people where they are at – engaging in this more free lifestyle of casual dating and hookups, but I find this makes me deeply unfulfilled at best and feel used and taken advantage of at worst.

Any advice for me going forward would be much appreciated

  1. Honestly didn’t read the wall of text. Just live your life, if someone wants to be in it, they will be. Try some dates here and there, don’t think about the future. You’re wasting time sitting in thoughts. Just live man

  2. I dealt with a similar situation getting back into dating in the last year. I think the biggest mistake I learned was using Tinder. What your looking for you won’t find on Tinder. I had my biggest success using different dating apps and my biggest disappointments using Tinder. It’s not uncommon for a girl on Tinder to use you for company, entertainment or a free meal. Nothing against women that is just the nature of that app.

    I would look into Bumble, Hinge, Coffee meets Bagel, Eharmony or any other dating app that has users who are more serious. Your going to have better luck finding the right girl to date going that route.

    On the anxiety/performance part I wouldn’t really worry about it. A lot of guys deal with those kind of things. Just go with the flow bro don’t worry about if you won’t be able to perform or whatever. If you hit it off with a girl and she really likes you she won’t care about that. If anything she will do what she can to make you feel comfortable and help.

    In summary, delete Tinder and try out some new apps. I think the performance anxiety might go away if you’re with a girl who makes you feel comfortable. Also, just a thought, but maybe seeing a therapist to talk about that anxiety can be helpful. Dating is hard man and you just have to put yourself out there. The more you do it the easier it will get. Hope that helps.

    Edit: spelling

  3. You were taking on the feminine role by trying to “lock her down” and being concerned with the future of your relationship. As a man, invite her out for a date once a week, sit back and enjoy hooking up, and just wait for her to make up her mind about what she wants.
    Usually, if you play it right, within 4-8 weeks, she will start mentioning things like relationship, exclusivity, etc.
    For you to bring it up within the first 2-3 dates is just inappropriate and a turn-off for any woman.

  4. Slow, graded exposure to reality to show yourself you are far stronger than you think. It doesn’t get easier, we get stronger.

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