I personally do believe it exists.

  1. I think it’s equivalent to closing your eyes while driving, probably something you shouldn’t do and definitely has the potential to ruin your life. I think no matter how much you like someone you should get to know them really well before even trying commitment

  2. Do I think it’s possible to fall in love with a person without knowing anything about them aside from how attractive they are? No.

  3. I think it can happen but it can also easily be destroyed by a monstrous personality upon getting to know them

    Vice versa is also possible like they seem “eh” when you look at them but after talking to them, their amazing personality just amplifies their looks to a 10

  4. Love is a choice, not a feeling, you can love anyone for any number of reasons if you spend enough time with them, the key is to find someone who shares similar values, goals and who you share some sort of attraction with, then build on that and learn to love them…”love at first sight” is just lust, it’s chemicals, its fleeting…love is staying with someone and working through hard shit even when you want to run, it’s making a choice to accept someone for all that they are, the good and the “bad” and not trying to change them or control them

    So no I don’t believe in love at first sight

  5. I think there’s definitely that feeling at first sight where you know immediately that you’ll get along with someone well. But not love at first sight, that feeling is infatuation. Like what I believe in more is when you meet someone and think “oh this person is cool, I wanna hangout with them more” but thats it

  6. I believe in attraction at first sight, I believe in being hopeful at first sight, but I don’t believe falling in love at first sight

  7. It happened once to me and I don’t think I would’ve believed in it otherwise. It felt like both an unhealthy infatuation and yet I felt like I knew her as soon as I saw her smile. I approached her in a bar, and we spent every spare moment we had together for 3 months. And then she dumped me for her ex. It was painful. And while I’m sure now that love at first sight is real, I don’t think anyone should be striving to achieve it. Regular love is hard enough to find as it is. Trying to hold someone to a standard of how you perceived them in the first instant you saw them is definitely not a healthy way to a view a relationship.

  8. I don’t believe in it because I give “love “a deeper meaning then can be understood between two people at first sight. I’ve climbed mountains and fall in love with the view at first sight. I’ve been damaged a surgeon crowd and felt love for everyone who was there experiencing that with me. Sure, in that regard, Lovette first sight is real.

    But the trope indicates looking at a certain person and falling in love with them in a way that is meaningful and lasting. But that’s not possible, not in any practical way. You can be attracted to them. You can recognize in them everything you are looking for and project upon them everything you thought they should be. But love comes from understanding and experience and time and commitment. Infatuation is not to be disregarded. But the trope of Lovette first sight is a phantasm.

  9. love at first sight is like going to the shops, staring at a new bed from far away and immediately buying it, and upon further inspection you find the beds made of concrete. and has nails sticking out of it.

    you absolutely cannot feel the tangible love I have for my partner of 8 years and my son by just, seeing a person. it’s insulting frankly.

  10. People put too much importance on an involuntary reaction rather than an investment in growing affection.

    It exists, and it’s great but That feeling isn’t supposed to last because it blinds you (or can you.

  11. I think you can be infatuated at first sight or get good vibes at first sight, but by definition it isn’t love because you haven’t formed the necessary attachments to that person.

    If you love someone, you die inside if they disappear from your life. That shit haunts you for months, maybe years, maybe decades. Some people go to grief therapy for it and some people are never the same after.

    What happens when that girl at the coffee shop never comes back? You’re mildly disappointed? You’re not broken inside because you didn’t love her.


    Its you being attracted to someone (first). Then the chemistry kicks in later.

  13. I’ve been in love by the end of a first date, but never at first sight. Not sure that’s a thing.

  14. there’s definitely a scenario where you look at someone and totally lose yourself and feel vulnerable. Sometimes maybe life gives us signs and that’s our intuition saying go for it that’s the one for you🤷‍♂️

  15. Of course it’s infatuation. You can’t love someone based entirely on what they look like, that’s fucking insane and utterly stupid. Attraction doesn’t equal love, it just means you find someone visually or sexually appealing.

    Idk maybe I’m a cold heartless cunt but I think it takes time to really love someone, you gotta get to know them, accept their flaws and continually be there for one another through good times and bad. To say you can be in love with someone upon first sight, idk, I think that lessens the meaning of the world “love.”

  16. Two of my girlfriends when I was younger seemed to fall in love with me immediately, basically on the first date. I attributed it to transference. They both would also make comparisons between me and their fathers, saying how I was similar to them in one way or the other.

    “‘Love at first sight’ might be better described as ‘mutual positive erotic transference’. Transference is something we all do: it is what happens when we make unconscious assumptions about the person before us based on our experience of people we have known in the past. We may have had a significant bonding experience with a carer from our infancy, maybe a parent, a grandparent, or a nursery school teacher, and later we may meet someone who looks at us in the same way, speaks with the same rhythms, or elicits the same feelings from us, and we may feel what we call ‘chemistry’. The original love object from the past may even have faded from conscious memory.”

  17. I believe it is beneficial.

    Evolution has allowed it to be this way so when we meet new people we feel high on drugs with interest & arousal – it definitely helps to kickstart a relationship before they see you for who you really are.

    Just remember, no one will put up with you unless they love you, or you have lots of monies.

  18. Haha, what if you start to talk to the person and find out you hate them? Sight isn’t enough for real love. A spark, sure, but will it catch fire?

  19. I had feelings to my wife since I’ve met her, even before starting dating, and she slipped once she had too. I don’t know if that was love or what, but that’s pretty much the core of what I still feel. So for me the answer is rather yes.

  20. Yeah it’s physical infatuation.
    You can’t truly know someone just by looking at them lol

  21. I believe in attraction at first sight. And once you get to know the person you can discover that your assumptions about them were correct (or surpassed) and the attraction segues into love at some point. So you can accurately say “I felt something towards them from the first moment I saw them” but it wasn’t love initially

    Let me put it this way, let’s say you see someone and she’s exactly your type, and you’re attracted, and you watch her for a few minutes and she seems kind, funny, and smart, and you’re more attracted to her. And then she gets hit by a bus. Would you say “I can’t believe she died, I was in love with her”. Personally, I’d think that was weird. Or would say “I can’t believe she died. I would liked to have gotten to know her. She seemed like someone I could have really connected with”

  22. I was head over heels for my wife when I first saw her. I can’t say if it was “love”. But I still remember the moment I met her and my first thought was “she looks like wife material”.

    17 years later and we’re still together.

  23. You’re thinking with your pecker.

    If you’re an adult, I should not have to tell you this.

  24. I believe, once my two sons were born it was love at first sight. As for relationship wise, I do not.

  25. I believe it’s just a bunch of hormones and chemicals in your head that eventually go away. I believe this because I like science and have heard soo many people say that it was “love at first sight” for them to split from their partner a few months later.

  26. it’s an evolutionary mechanism, can it become “love at first sight”? maybe, but it is in the end, evolution’s way of getting people to procreate

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