Didn’t get laid in high school, didn’t get laid in college when I tried to go to college. Was always shy and/or an ugly duckling and/or getting made fun of by girls and guys for being ugly and looking like I got a small dick. Never had a gf. Dropped out of college and currently dig ditches and shit for 12 bucks an hour while I watch other people including people younger than me living their lives and getting on with life.

The other night I was working on a pole barn for these people and I saw their like 19 year old daughter come home with her girlfriend and boyfriend and like ohh shit they have gonna have a threesome and the real kicker is that I’m fucking almost ten years older I bust my ass and I never got to do any of that shit and continue not do. I’m a fucking loser. I don’t have washboard abs or an 8 inch cock and I’m not 6’2, I’m 5’7″ 130 lbs with a 6.5 inch dick and not ripped and thus the younger guys are sexier than me now. I feel like such a fucking failure and I want to die because I hate every minute of my life. I am sick of being alone and jerking off. It’s worse than hell

  1. Yeah its bad i can understand but build up confidence bro and go to a bar and pick up a girl you’ll get reject for sure in starting but no worries. And if everything does not work out just go to an escort.

  2. Perhaps bro you need to look in the mirror and appreciate what you have.

    You also have a very physical job. That daily job could help you get into shape.

    Appreciate your life. That you are able to live it. You are living your life. Just to your rules.

  3. Ok you need to get a grip. First of all, they probably weren’t having a threesome, they were probably just hanging out. People who aren’t having regular sex think everyone else is having sex all the time and that’s just not true. Second, enough with your pity party because it’s not serving you. Do you really think only 18 year old men with abs get laid? That’s complete nonsense! Lots of out of shape guys get laid, lots of guys with small dicks get laid. Maybe the problem here isn’t your physique but your attitude. No one wants to fuck a sad sack who hates his life.

    Also your life is worse than hell? Why? You have a job, a roof over your head, food, access to running water and healthcare. So you’re alone, lots of people are. You need to talk to a therapist and stop being such a victim.

  4. Is this one of those “I haven’t made any effort to change either my appearance or my lifestyle, and I’m angry that women won’t fuck me.” style posts?

    Because it fucking sounds like one.

    I was like you. I’ve never been attractive, usually always overweight, absolutely fucking useless at talking to girls, started going bald in my 20s. All I was missing was ginger hair and thick glasses for the full set.

    Know what I did?

    I went out. I made an effort. Even if I wasn’t losing weight, I put myself into situations I wasn’t comfortable with, forced myself to talk to people, made friends, and eventually people saw past what was on the outside and understood what was on the inside.

    This year sees my 17th wedding anniversary.

    So quit your fucking whining about how shit doesn’t come to you, and start fucking doing something about it.

  5. Now I don’t know how your life looks completely, but have you tried setting small goals to complet? Like if you want to change do the change.

    Not everyone wants a young ripped guy, plenty of people like older and more dad body type.

    Try improving small things and meeting new groups of people. Working on yourself and expanding you social circle is good ways to increase you chances of finding anyone.

  6. This is just an attitude problem. You admit to your lack of trying at a younger age, and are mad it didn’t happen. You claim your looks prevent it from happening, even though even the ugliest people on the planet can get laid if they tried. You claim it’s the size of your (1.5 inches over international average) dick, but how is any woman going to know how big it is unless you’ve shown them, in which case did they reject you because you sent an unsolicited pic? You claim it’s because you’re not perfectly ripped, even though plenty of women exist that love a guy who has a gut. You say no college girl would want you, but by the sound of it, aren’t even trying for any women who don’t fit that category which cuts your chances drastically.

    If you’re not getting laid, it’s because of how you act. You’re acting like an upset child, and that’s what’s unattractive. Nothing else about you is, just simply your attitude.

    In a world where physical attraction is COMPLETELY subjective, the only real universal turn offs are lack of confidence, lack of trying, and a bad attitude.

  7. Best things to try are to 1) Be confident, 2) make sure your hygiene is on point and 3) change up your style and see if it helps (clothes or hairstyle).

  8. I can understand your situation.
    However being angry and pissed is not the right way to go about you, your situation or women. Won’t get you anywhere, and you need to face it.

    Note women can easily smell desperation which won’t even let you get your foot in the door. Try building on yourself, be it physically, ambition or hobbies, and it will happen once you start progressing on yourself.

    Best of luck

  9. The problem isn’t that you are a loser, the problem is that you believe you are a loser. A good life doesn’t happen, you have to build it. What are you doing to build the life you want? Clinging to negative self talk isn’t helping you, it’s keeping you stuck. Furthermore, there’s no such thing as the standard best years of your life. I’m currently living the best years of my life, sexually and otherwise; I’m 37. You decide when the best years of your life are, and they will be different for everyone.

    I’d suggest therapy, specifically cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). A therapist can teach you how to dispute the negative self talk in your head and reframe it to something more positive. I’m in therapy myself and it’s made a huge difference in my life and my sex life.

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