Men what’s an unexpected dumb injury you had that ruined your plans, what happened?

  1. I slipped on the floor and slammed my knee against the concrete floor. It was so painful and it took a few days to heal.

  2. Getting close to my forties and my body isn’t playing ball anymore. I bent down weirdly and tore a muscle in my back. Literally couldn’t walk for nearly two weeks, could hobble with a frame for another couple of weeks, and sort of walking after. It’s been three months and I can do most things now, but it still hurts if I sit incorrectly or just move too much.

    But yeah, no reason for it, but put myself completely out of commission for over a month from bending over. Missed a job opportunity, and delayed a few education things I was doing. Good times.

  3. My uncle forced me to carry heavy grass rolls when I was 12

    I’m 19 and my back never recovered

    He took away my ability to move in my youth thanks uncle

  4. When me and my friends was on a south-central Europe trip we went hiking on a mountain in the Alps.

    I knew we’d be hiking and didn’t bring proper boots, just some trainers. It rained the entire 8 hours we hiked, so I ended up with feet that were basically 50% blisters that started getting discoulored after walking around for 4-5 more days.

    Ended up having to go home early while my friends went onwards to Berlin.

  5. Locked myself out at the start of Memorial Day weekend when I was young. Had ppl coming to party. Climbed in the window and tweaked my neck and back. Lay there all weekend, no party.

  6. Took a nap on my living room floor. Woke up and couldn’t walk for 3 weeks without crutches. I have no idea what happened, but I had to miss the first two weeks of last semester because of it.

  7. I’m currently dealing with some weird dizziness issue. I had put in my notice at my old job was in my last week, sat in a chair in our maintenance office and dozed off for a minute. Woke up and was kinda dizzy. Got worse through the day. Barely made the drive home. I’ve been out of work for 4 weeks now. It’s started to even out but I’m probably only 60-70% of where I need to be. Old job is gone. New job with a substantial pay raise is gone. I’m a widowed dad with nothing coming in currently and not sure how I’m gonna do it all.

  8. I was showing off my BMX skills to my kids (I was about 45), I tried to jump, went over the handlebars and fractured both my elbows.

  9. My 1yo stumbled and put his hand on the hot wood stove just as the babysitter arrived for our anniversary date. Needless to say we spent the evening in the ER with a very upset child

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