Hey 24-year-old man here,

I’m Indian, but I date interracially too and am attracted to Latina women. Most of the ones I met were very friendly, fun, and warm. But I mostly use online dating and I don’t see too many of them on dating sites like tinder and hinge. It’s been mostly white girls, I matched/ dated so far. So to Latina women here, what are the best places i can go out to meet/approach you? Are there any specific dating apps i can use to find you? Also what are the most attractive qualities you find in men?

Also, how do you feel about Indian men? Do you feel ethnicity/ race is a factor when picking the men you date? Most Latin girls i know date Latino men or white/black guys. Never seen too many Latina with Indian men. Indian men who date/dated Latinas, please care to weigh in!

  1. Como esta? Comeinza a apreinder espanol cabron.
    I am indian too btw. Translate the above line your self and find the answer.

  2. Latino people aren’t a monolith. They come in all races, they have many different cultures and countries. What type of Latina woman do you want?

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