Female business owners of Reddit : Do you/would you market or advertise your business as “woman-owned”?Why or why not?

  1. If it is in some way relevant yes, otherwise no. But that’s just a personal preference.

  2. I’m not a business owner, but as a consumer, I purposely buy from women owned businesses

  3. My business is just me, so there’s not really a need to do that because I am openly and visibly a woman.

  4. I would market it however it makes me more successful without compromising my morals. I currently have not, but would.

  5. If the product or service that you sell is woman centric and you stand behind a specific cause that supports woman then yes definitely. But if not then you run the risk of segmenting and possibly deterring valuable business.

    However, I have seen businesses who market as woman-owned because their desired target market aligns with these values and attracts the “perfect customer” that they would like to work with. Ie. A woman owned and run law firm will attract woman who need like minded legal advice, council and support.

    At the end of the day the decision should be based on your business goals, the gap indentified in the market you’re entering and your target market.

  6. Honestly It never crossed my mind, I just sell my stuff and people know I own the business and am a woman.

    I mean on line I have a picture of me holding the stuff I’ve made and sell so its obvious there too.

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