Women who make over $200k per year, what effect has that had on your dating life?

  1. It has brought me many opportunities to meet men who are the same or above social caliber as myself so that’s nice. I was kind of a loner in school so I didn’t really date then. Some men though are surprised when I say what I do for a living and I would be lying if some of them didn’t seem disappointed by the thought of my income.

  2. When I was in my 20s guys didn’t care. Like. . at all. It was a little disheartening how little they cared. Not saying they needed to fawn all over me, but geez it’s kind of a big accomplishment and I’m getting nothing here? I rarely discussed numbers, but they could tell by my job title and company that I made decent money.

    In my 30s, guys began to see it as a positive and generally seemed relieved that I made good money and didn’t expect them to fund any kind of lifestyle for me. Presumably this is because they spent their 20s “not caring” and getting bit in the ass for it. And yeah, I know, there is a ton of pressure on guys to demonstrate their financial abilities and yadda yadda — I get that men and women have very different dating experiences.

    When I met my husband, the fact that I was debt free and made good money was a huge plus as he also had a history of dating women who were just sort of useless in the finance department. I’m not talking about “they made less” I’m talking about racking up big education debts without any real plan to pay them off — that level of irresponsibility.

    When we married we were able to purchase our dream home, something that wouldn’t have been possible without both of our high incomes. If God forbid one of us loses a job, we will still be able to afford the mortgage and a decent living for at least 2yrs before considering selling the place, so that’s also a relief. We aren’t balls-to-the-wall on our finances.

    (btw just to be clear, I live in a higher cost of living area. $400k household income is fantastic but it doesn’t make us super rich in this area)

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