What are some things people say that you hate when you just want to vent?

  1. I’m all for people having an opinion when I speak. What I don’t like is people who are concerned with one upping my situation.

    I don’t care if you have advice or think I was wrong for whatever I’m venting about. If I’m having a conversation with you, I feel you are allowed to those things, even to one up me. However, the last one makes you an ass.

  2. When they start trying to fix my problem. I don’t want you to fix the problem, I already have a potentially solution and 25 back ups figured out in my head, I just want the world to hear me roar before I go back and get the shit done.

  3. “Everything happens for a reason” or anything implying it’s god’s will, or trying to justify the behavior of what or who I’m venting about

  4. “Yeah…” “right” “exactly” “mhm” ONE WORD RESPONSES. lol like please try to at least sound like you care

  5. I just hate it when the person I’m venting to tries to solve my problems instead of listening. My SO used to be like that until we had a long talk about it, and now he’ll clarify “do you want solutions or do you just want to vent” which is actually pretty nice. Because sometimes I do want to see if he has some solutions that I haven’t thought of because he’s a good sounding board, but other times I just want to get something off my chest.

  6. When someone tries to bring up how much worse they or someone else has it. I get that I don’t have it worse but I just want to feel my feelings right now.

  7. playing devil’s advocate, *especially* if it doesn’t affect them in any way whatsoever. the absolute fucking WORST!!!

  8. “It could always be worse.”

    Yeah I know it could be worse, but this current thing that’s actually happening to me is what I’m talking about. That drives me up the wall and I hate it so much.

  9. I’ll keep you in my prayers. I’m an athiest and don’t really appreciate it, especially because if I’m close enough to you to vent then you know that about me.

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