It was the first time I tried to caress each other with my girlfriend, it happened at a party, I really liked it and she kind of liked it too, but I’m not quite sure because we were a little drunk, the problem is that I do not know how to discuss it with her, because for me it was not just to have fun, but what-that’s big, I still want it again and at the same time I don’t need something to drink for this, what can you advise? Am I bi?

  1. Yeah I’m going to need a little more information there before I can try and help, I’m afraid.

  2. I’ve read your other comments and know you’re bad at English so let me clarify that “girlfriend” in the English language 99% of the time means you’re already in a relationship with them. Sometimes, girls will call their female friends “girlfriends” but if you haven’t already said your gender in your post, most people would assume that means you’re a guy (until reading the bi part).

  3. The question that i have, is this infatuation or love? Do you only think of touching her or do you also think about doing non-sexual things?
    There is an old expression ” honesty is the best policy”. All these things you are telling us, say to her. You have been friends for years, i doubt she would just drop you because of your confession. Who knows, maybe she feels conflicted too. It will change the nature of your relationship one way or another but at least she will know how you feel. Good luck to you.

  4. Hello everyone again! I plucked up the courage to talk to my girlfriend about what happened, it wasn’t easy to start, but you gave me the courage to start, thank you all!and this subreddit as well.
    Our conversation started awkwardly but ended well.She experienced the same pleasant feelings as me both mentally and physically, in the morning my girlfriend also wanted to talk to me, but the pressure of her parents, who are categorically against same-sex relationships, forces her to hide any feelings that her parents may not accept.
    We found out that we are adults together and are already deciding how to live further, and for this we need courage, she agreed with me and we decided to date her as we like it, free relationships with guys remain, but we will not have any other girls besides her and me.
    Thanks to everyone who really tried to help, I appreciate it! I urge everyone to be bolder in their actions and if something is really important and expensive for you, do it, life is too short not to show yourself and your desires.
    It ended better than I could have expected.

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